The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Lesbian Fitness Guru Faces Felony Charges After Driving Incident

  Ten years ago, Jackie Warner was an L.A. celebrity, the star of Workout, a reality show on the Bravo cable TV network. For three seasons, the show featured Warner and her clients at her Sky Sport and Spa in Beverly Hills. A self-made millionaire, Warner is the author of the books This Is Why […]

‘Equality,’ Florida-Style: Lesbian Arrested for Attacking Her Husband With Bleach

Lakeisha Regina LeGrand was arrested earlier this month. History offers many examples of intellectuals dreaming up innovative schemes for “progress” which, as inspiring as they may seem to their advocates in the academic elite, don’t work out so well when applied in real life with real people. Just invoke the magic word “equality” and rational […]

Feminism’s Rhetorical Abracadabra

You have to study rhetoric and logic and the techniques of propaganda if you are to understand how feminism succeeds. Having read all the major works of feminist theory, and having also read many other lesser-known but influential works (including popular Women’s Studies textbooks), I am not deceived by their obfuscation. “Oh, we don’t hate […]

VIDEO: @BenShapiro Destroys University Student’s Bogus Transgender Ideology

Somebody needs to send this video to radical feminists who have been at war with the transgender movement for the past three years. Ben Shapiro dismantled this deviant make-believe nonsense in a matter of minutes:   Shapiro — after arguing with a young woman about how “gender is not disconnected from sex” — decided to […]

Transgender ‘Social Contagion’

  Rivka Edelman at The Federalist: In response to the uptick of trans mania, a group of four mothers and one father met at a suburban Starbucks to compare notes on ways to help their children challenge the gender ideology pushed in the media and in the schools. One mother said these meetings are taking […]

Catholic Girls School Taught Bisexual Singer to Vote Democrat and Hate Men

“F**K THE SYSTEM AND THE PATRIARCHY.” — Lauren Jauregui, Jan. 21, 2017 Anti-American left-wing teachers at an all-girls Catholic school in Miami taught bisexual pop singer Lauren Jauregui the radical feminist beliefs that inspired her outspoken opposition to President Trump. A member of the group Fifth Harmony, the 20-year-old Jauregui denounced Republican voters as “racist, […]

The Worst People in America: Commie #DisruptJ20 Protests Led by Perverts

Anti-Trump activist Luke Kuhn. Democrats attract support from The Worst People in America — selfish and dishonest people, criminals and perverts — and not by coincidence. The Democrat Party’s policy agenda and rhetoric are deliberately designed to appeal to the worst impulses of the vile dregs of humanity: Six days before Donald Trump’s inauguration, dozens […]

‘These Discourses of Heterosexuality Which Particularly Oppress All of Us’

‘The Straight Mind’ author Monique Wittig. When did feminism become completely insane? Some of us would argue that modern feminism was always crazy from its inception in the late 1960s as the so-called Women’s Liberation movement. However, it took decades for enough of these hate-filled anti-male lunatics to secure faculty tenure and compile their ideas […]

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