The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Lesbian Couple Discover Islamic Culture During Exciting International Trip

  Maria Jimena Rico Montero and her girlfriend Shaza Ismail are alive, and reportedly being detained in Turkey, after the London couple got an unexpected lesson in Islamic culture. Ms. Ismail’s Egyptian-born father was determined to break up his daughter’s lesbian relationship, so he told her that her mother was seriously ill in Dubai. Did […]

Commie Homophobia in China

LGBT activists recently got into an uproar about Chinese homophobes: Basketball team members in China carried a banner saying “defend core socialist values” and “keep homosexuality far from campus” at a university [April 16], sparking outrage. Ling Bing, the women’s basketball team coach at Huazhong University of Science and Technology of Central China, posted a […]

Tampa Teacher @LoraJane Hates Christians, Promotes LGBT in Class

  The state of Florida pays Lora Jane Riedas to promote atheism and homosexuality at Riverview High School. She also teaches math: A teacher in Orlando, Florida is under fire for allegedly forcing students to take off their Christian cross necklaces, and for “promoting an LGBT agenda” in class. The Tampa Bay Times reports the Liberty […]

Child Pornography Arrest Exposes Australian TV Reporter’s Sordid Gay Life

  Ben McCormack was a famous Australian TV personality, a reporter for the Channel 9 tabloid news program A Current Affair. Earlier this month, however, police in Sydney arrested McCormack on child pornography charges, and his acquaintances have divulged that the popular journalist had a habit of chasing after “baby-faced” young men. Reporters found his […]

Student Commits Suicide After LGBT Activists Use Title IX to Punish Him

Ashe Schow reports how federal policy is being abused: A male student who was accused of sexual harassment committed suicide just days after the University of Texas at Arlington ignored its own policies in order to punish him. The accused student’s father, a lawyer acting as the administrator of his son’s estate, is now suing […]

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

  You may not realize that April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, because feminists are deliberately ignoring cases like this one in Texas: A Taylor ISD varsity softball coach has been charged with improper relationship between an educator and a student. Kendall Lucas, 25, is being investigated by the Taylor Police Department for her relationship […]

Destroy #HeartProgress

“Together we can fight for a better tomorrow. One where pedosexuals, homosexuals, and many other genders can live in a society where they can be themselves and are protected from bigotry, racism, and xenophobia.” — “Heart Progress,” on, Jan. 1, 2017 Tuesday, while I was working on a column for the American Spectator, I […]

Australian School Abolishes ‘Heteronormative’ Dress Code

International Grammar School principal Shauna Colnan. Heterosexuality is not yet illegal in Australia, but the feminist regime in elite education certainly does not approve of it: The International Grammar School in Sydney, Australia has announced it will begin implementing gender-neutral uniform codes. “It’s almost like for those students who do identify as far more gender […]

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