The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

SJWs Attacking Lesbian @ArielleScarcell for . . . Well, Being a Lesbian, Really

“In the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell, the Thought Police (Thinkpol in Newspeak) are the secret police of the superstate, Oceania, who are charged with uncovering and punishing ‘thoughtcrime’ and thought-criminals. The Thinkpol use psychological methods and omnipresent surveillance (e.g. telescreens) to search, find, monitor, and arrest citizens of Oceania who would challenge the […]

Tranny SJW Claims Science Does Not Prove That the Penis Is a Male Organ

  Zachary Antolak, a/k/a “Zinnia Jones,” a/k/a “Satana Kennedy,” a/k/a “Lauren McNamara” is a person familiar to regular readers here. An atheist transgender activist and Internet pornographer, Antolak/“Jones” has tattooed himself/“herself” with a symbol used on the cover of Anton LaVey’s Satanic Bible modified with transgender symbols. The bizarre semantics by which Antolak/“Jones” claims that the […]

‘Graphic Images’: Police Say HIV-Positive School Aide Raped at Least Seven Boys

  Another typical public school employee: An HIV-positive former Maryland school aide and track coach has been arrested on suspicion of sexually assaulting several students and recording some of the abuse on video, including on school property, authorities said. Carlos Deangelo Bell, 30, of Waldorf is accused of assaulting at least seven boys, mostly of […]

Gay Pride = Hate Republicans?

  This year’s Los Angeles Pride Parade was turned into an anti-Republican political protest, from which gay Republicans were banned. It’s rather difficult to explain the logic of this, given that Trump was the most pro-LGBT Republican ever nominated for president, and his most prominent supporters include gay billionaire Peter Thiel. If you look at […]

Transgender Satanic Porn Performer @ZJemptv Offers SJW Dating Advice

  Zachary Antolak, a/k/a “Zinnia Jones,” a/k/a “Satana Kennedy,” a/k/a “Lauren McNamara” is a transgender activist and Internet pornographer who has a verified “blue check” Twitter account, @ZJemptv. Rather than getting any further into the weird biography of Antolak/“Jones” now, I’ll just call attention to his/“her” unusual tattoo of a Satanic pentagram inside a transgender […]

Transgender Professor in South Carolina Attacks Feminists as ‘Cockroaches’

  Until a few years ago, Professor Rachel McKinnon was a Canadian, and was also a male. Rhys McKinnon attended the University of Victoria in British Columbia, where he got a bachelor’s degree in philosophy in 2005. Sometime thereafter, Rhys McKinnon decided he was a “she,” so that by the time he/“she” received his/“her” Ph.D. […]

What Does ‘Homophobia’ Mean?

  The question raised by the #FireColbert controversy goes to the very heart of our 21st-century Culture War over “sexuality”: If I wanted to insult Stephen Colbert, I might have called him a lot of things, but “cock holster” probably wouldn’t have come to mind. By the standards of Stephen Colbert, however, there are no […]

#FireColbert? How Much Do You Want ME to Explain Why This Is Hypocrisy?

As everybody on the planet now knows, LGBT activists have launched a #FireColbert crusade after CBS Late Night host Stephen Colbert — a liberal in good standing, I hasten to point out — make a gay joke about Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. This is “homophobia,” and is intolerable, the anti-Colbert forces insist, and it […]

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