The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Transgender Bullies Make Worldwide News After Attack in London’s Hyde Park

  Last week, I was among the first to report on transgender activists who attacked a 60-year-old woman Wednesday in London’s Hyde Park. This shocking story was quickly picked up by numerous news organizations. Transgender Activist Assaults 60-Year-Old Woman At Gender Debate — Ian Miles Cheong, Daily Caller WATCH: Trans Activist Men Attack, Beat Dissenting […]

Transgender Cult Update: Woman, 60, Assaulted by Activists in London

  Maria MacLachlan, a 60-year-old woman, was attacked by transgender activists Wednesday evening at London’s Hyde Park, where feminists had gathered at Speakers’ Corner after the venue for their event, featuring Professor Julia Long, had been canceled due to “safety concerns.” Feminist critics of the transgender movement have been accused of “hate,” labeled “TERFs” (trans-exclusive […]

The Creepy Munchausen Moms Who Promote Childhood Transgenderism

“In September 2015, Vanessa and JR Ford sent a group email to announce that their 4-year-old, whom their family and friends knew as their son, would be starting prekindergarten that year as ‘her true self’ — a girl named Ellie.” — New York Times, Jan. 31, 2017 We can’t click fast-forward on the story and […]

‘Too Cute to Be Straight’: Canadian Taxpayers Fund LGBT Message for Kids

  Heterosexuality is only for ugly people — that’s the message promoted at taxpayer expense in Canadian schools, where “Too Cute to Be Straight” is among the slogans on buttons distributed to students in public schools by the Alberta GSA Network. These anti-heterosexual messages were posted to the Instagram account of the government-backed group that […]

Transgender Victimhood Narrative Sustains Further Embarrassment

  Nothing is more important to the self-esteem of Democrats than the belief that they are fighting on behalf of Victims of Oppression. The Democrat Party is organized as an identity-politics coalition and promotes the idea that victims exist categorically and oppression is systemic: All women are victims of sexism, all black people are victims […]

Democrats: The Atheist Anti-American Feminist Gun-Grabber Man-Hating Party

  Far be it from me to offer helpful advice to Democrats. The sooner the Democrat Party implodes from its internal contradictions, the better off America and the world will be, as far as I’m concerned. And so I probably shouldn’t point out that being the anti-Jesus party isn’t going to help the Democrats any […]

Transgender Victimhood Narrative: Police Shoot Knife-Wielding ‘Person’

  “Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight” is pretty good advice, but evidently nobody told this to Kenneth “Kiwi” Herring. On Tuesday in St. Louis, Herring attacked a 30-year-old neighbor with a knife, inflicting “severe lacerations” on the man’s face, arms and torso. When police arrived and attempted to arrest Herring, they say he/“she” […]

Further Difficulties Emerge for the Transgender Victimhood Narrative

Rayquann Deonte Jernigan (left); Jalen Breon Brown (right). According to “social justice” advocates, there is an epidemic of anti-transgender violence for which Donald Trump and Republicans are to blame. The only thing wrong with that claim is the complete lack of evidence to support it. LGBT activists and liberal journalists keep calling attention to the […]

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