The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Cause and Effect: Cultural Decadence

  One of the Bad Ideas of recent years that bothers me most — because it is both widely believed among the elite and easily demonstrable as wrong — is Richard Florida’s theory of the “Creative Class”: While I was in Massachusetts last fall for a book event hosted by Pete Da Tech Guy, we […]

Catholic ‘Gay Mafia’ in Action

Fr. Sean Sheridan of Franciscan University. My colleague at The American Spectator, George Neumayr, is author of The Political Pope: How Pope Francis Is Delighting the Liberal Left and Abandoning Conservatives. He has written extensively on the latest scandals of clerical pedophilia, including “The Fall of the Gay Mafia’s Don,” about disgraced Archbishop Donald Wuerl. […]

‘Transgender’ as Self-Harm

  Maddy is a fat girl with a self-harm problem. You can see on the photo above the scars on her arms from repeatedly cutting herself. While she provides little information on her Tumblr blog that would enable us to understand the sources of her mental health problems, we know that many adolescent girls struggle […]

Arielle Scarcella: Gay People Are ‘F–king Terrified’ to Criticize Trans Ideology

  Arielle Scarcella has 550,000 subscribers to her YouTube channel, which makes her one of the most popular lesbian YouTubers. Some of her videos have more viewers than the average program at CNN (but let’s be honest, CNN is barely more popular than the Hallmark Channel). Her popularity is the only reason Ms. Scarcella has […]

Coming Out as … MOGAI? The Weird and Dangerous World of Queer Feminism

  Today was National Coming Out Day, which I celebrated by reading feminist Tumblr blogs and a recent memoir by lesbian blogger Katie Heaney that I’ll be writing about at length later. Heaney’s story is interesting enough (if you consider “interesting” a synonym for pathetic or ludicrous) to deserve the 3,000-word treatment, and I don’t […]

Bad Gamblers and Bisexuality

  Have you ever heard of the TV show Brooklyn Nine-Nine? It’s a comedy. Anyway, this was the news in People magazine last October: Wedding bells will be ringing soon for Stephanie Beatriz — the Brooklyn Nine-Nine actress got engaged to Brad Hoss over the weekend. “Brad and I hosted our first party together this […]

Crazy People Are Dangerous: Transgender Activist and ‘Her’ Pedophile Dad

  Ashton “Aimee” Challenor is a 20-year-old activist in England who “came out” as transgender while he/“she” was a college freshman. Last year, “Aimee” ran for office on the Green Party ticket, and was an official spokesperson for the party on gender-related issues. The person “Aimee” listed as his/“her” campaign manager was his/“her” father, David […]

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Insanity

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau celebrates with typical Canadians. “Human rights” in Canada: Should the radical Left ever get its way in terms of what society classifies as a human “right” one day, then taxpayer dollars will go beyond funding abortions and into funding a transgender’s breast implants. Just take a peek up north in Canada. […]

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