The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Like Margaret Thatcher Said

“The problem with socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.” Venezuela is learning that lesson the hard way.  

Venezuela: ‘The Government Is Taking Us into the Slaughterhouse’

In Hugo Chavez, the peasants at least had a demagogic “hero” they believed in. Chavez’s successor lacks that dictatorial charisma, and people are starting to notice that socialism sucks: Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez, the target of a police manhunt for allegedly inciting violence that left three dead at anti-government protests, said Sunday that he […]

Hugo Chavez, Looter

Weird that the New York Times would publish this: The legacy of his 14-year “socialist revolution” is apparent across Venezuela: the decay, dysfunction and blight that afflict the economy and every state institution. The endless debate about whether Mr. Chávez was a dictator or democrat — he was in fact a hybrid, an elected autocrat […]

Should Mitt Romney Go To Detroit, Or Venezuela?

by Smitty Some wags want to draft Mitt Romney to re-habilitate Detroit from the joys of decades of Democrat party policy. However, a far more sizable executive job opening now awaits to the south: Venezuela. Eugene Robinson exemplifies the slack-jawed Lefty urge to suck up to something authoritarian. “All the socialized health services, and all […]