The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

New Ukraine President Condemns Insurgents as ‘Gangsters and Killers’

Talking tough: Petro Poroshenko took the oath of office as Ukraine’s president Saturday, calling on armed groups to lay down their weapons as he assumed leadership of a country mired in a violent uprising and economic troubles. In his inaugural address to the Verkhovna Rada, the country’s parliament, Poroshenko promised amnesty “for those who do […]

Ukraine Concedes Crimea to Russia

Putin scores an easy victory: Bowing to the reality of the Russian military occupation of Crimea a day after Russia announced it was annexing the disputed peninsula, the Ukrainian government said on Wednesday that it had drawn up plans to evacuate all of its military personnel and their families and was prepared to relocate as […]

Ukraine Ready for War in Crimea?

This could be serious: In the wake of a March 16 referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation, Ukrainian leaders refused to cede any part of the peninsula, calling on their troops to prepare for war. “Crimea was, is, and will be our territory,” said Defense Minister Ihor Tenyukh in a statement […]

Crimea Votes to Secede from Ukraine, Join Russia; U.S. Lamely Objects

How’s that “smart diplomacy” workin’ out for ya? Crimeans overwhelmingly vote for secession — Associated Press Ukraine crisis: Early results show Crimea votes to join Russia — CNN Crimeans Choose to Join Russia in Vote, Exit Poll Shows — Bloomberg Five years into his term, President Obama has succeeded in diminishing U.S. prestige and influence […]

The U.N. And $5 Are Worth A Beverage At A Coffee Shop

by Smitty Via Hot Air: Russia has vetoed a UN Security Council draft resolution that declared a planned referendum on the status of Ukraine’s Crimea region “can have no validity” and urged nations and international organisations not to recognise it. “This is a sad and remarkable moment,” Samantha Power, the American ambassador to the United […]

The Media’s Ukraine Hocus-Pocus

How many times do you have to watch the same magic trick before you start getting wise to the fact that the rabbit was never in the hat to begin with? The media’s approach to any controversy or scandal involving President Obama begins with two basic premises: Everything Obama does is right and good; and […]

Our Worthless Media

Ace highlighted this Saturday, but in case you missed it, here’s Walter Russell Mead at the Public Interest: A Politico report calls it “a crisis that no one anticipated.” The Daily Beast, reporting on Friday’s US intelligence assessment that “Vladimir Putin’s military would not invade Ukraine,” quotes a Senate aide claiming that “no one really saw this kind of thing coming.” […]

The New Crimean War

Ukraine's Acting President Puts All Armed Forces On Full Combat Alert #Ukraine #Russia — Joy Keller (@JoyKeller1) March 1, 2014 The latest headlines via Memeorandum: Putin’s War in Crimea Could Soon Spread to Eastern Ukraine — The New Republic Condemnation isn’t enough for Russian actions in Crimea — Washington Post Explainer: The Budapest Memorandum […]

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