The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Africans Riot in Madrid

  If all you know about the world is what you learn from watching CNN or other liberal media, you wouldn’t know that this happened: Madrid’s “most multicultural neighbourhood” was set aflame in riots against “racist” authorities after a Senegalese street vendor reportedly died of a heart attack. At least 20 people were injured in […]

‘An Uncomfortable Truth’

  Spain is dying. The total fertility rate — average number of lifetime births per woman — is 1.49 in Spain, and this is nearly 30% below replacement level. In December 2015, demographers noted that Spain had passed a crucial milestone — more deaths than births, a harbinger of population decline. Before a nation dies, […]

Today’s Ray Of Hope: Baal Going On Enforced Diet, Film At 11

— compiled by Wombat-socho From Operation Rescue (h/t Jeff Quinton on Facebook): Operation Rescue has concluded an exhaustive survey of abortion clinics in the U.S. and is pleased to announce that it has documented a record number of abortion clinic closures in 2013, during which time 87 surgical abortion clinics halted abortions. From the Grauniad […]

Spain’s Woes Fuel U.S. Stock Slide

After opening down more than 200 points today, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has now stabilized at around 12,700 — about 130 points down — as of 1 p.m. Eastern. The Dow has lost more than 500 points since its May peak of 13,279, and the ongoing European debt crisis is to blame: Fresh crises […]

MONDAY DOOM WATCH: Europe Circling the Economic Drain

Four headlines from Drudge: Britain draws up emergency plans for collapse of Euro … IMF drafting $800 billion bailout plan for Italy, Spain … REPORT: FRANCE, GERMANY PREPARE TO TAKE DRASTIC MEASURES … NYT: Time runs short … Remember, these are sophisticated Europeans. Liberals have always wanted America to be more like sophisticated Europe, where […]