The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

S. Africa Seizing White-Owned Farms; White Farmers Fleeing to … Russia?

The fruits of anti-white hatred will be bitter: According to numerous experts, Russian authorities are currently wooing farmers to live there in the hopes they will boost Russia’s agricultural industry. It comes as the first test case for land redistribution was announced when the council for the city of Ekurhuleni votes to seize hundreds of […]

Without Irony or Self-Awareness

@MaliniMohana is a feminist and wrote this: “By representing your own group as uniquely virtuous, you can easily de-humanise another population.” Yet this is exactly what feminism is about: Portraying women as uniquely virtuous and de-humanizing men. Mohana was writing about Men’s Rights Activists (MRAs), but she evidently doesn’t realize that there are women MRAs who […]

But … ‘Progressive’!

Unacknowledged irony: South Africa is still home to high levels of violence against women and children, despite a constitution widely regarded as the most progressive in the world . . . In fact, South Africa is widely reputed to be “The Rape Capital of the World,” and one wonders whether this is truly “despite” its […]