The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Intifada at Ohio State Proves the Immigration-Terrorism Connection

  William Jacobson describes Monday’s Islamic terrorist attack in Columbus in which a “Somali legal immigrant rammed his car into pedestrians on the sidewalk, then attacked with what is variously described as a butcher knife or machete.” NBC News reports: An Ohio State University student posted a rant shortly before he plowed a car into […]

Did Terrorists Defeat Navy SEALs?

That’s what an article in the Christian Science Monitor suggests: A commando unit from the US Navy’s Seal Team Six launched an amphibious raid on a Somali town, but failed to confirm a capture or kill of their Al Shabab target, suspected to be linked to Nairobi’s Westgate mall terror attack. The operation could have […]

Canadian Muslim Arrested in Somalia After Reportedly Beheading His 4 Sons

Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugged had this story, citing the Blazing Cat Fur blog and, to be honest, my reaction was, “You’re kidding me.” Surely, this had to be some kind of right-wing Islamophobic urban legend spread by irresponsible Internet gossip-mongers. Because I constantly watch the news — my TV is tuned to MSNBC at […]

Cell-Phone Pornography Blamed in Rape Attacks on Somali Refugee Women

Associated Press: The three masked gunmen burst into Asha Muse Ali’s tent at night and grabbed every item of value they could find: $85 in cash, a cell phone and a gold ring. Then the attackers embarked on a crime that carries a severe social stigma in this conservative Muslim country: They raped Ali and […]