The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Why Did Fox News and Townhall Scrub the Todd Starnes ‘Saudi National’ Story?

Let me start by saying that I consider the obsession with the “Saudi national” — a student who was questioned after the Boston Marathon bombing — an annoying distraction from the main story of the terrorist act committed by the Brothers Tsarnaev. This is not to say that the story isn’t interesting in its own […]

Whatever You Do, Don’t Tell Canada: Muslim Women Have Boobies!

Before blogging about this, I first checked Five Feet of Fury to see if the One Good Canadian, Kathy Shaidle, had weighed in. Because she obviously should, and if she had, I would have been obliged to link and quote her. How she could have missed this one, I don’t know. Canadians are in an […]

War With Iran? Cue The Fear!

by Smitty Instapundit relays the Mead: In a recent interview with CBS news anchor Scott Pelley, Panetta said “the United States does not want Iran to develop a nuclear weapon. That’s a red line for us”. He continued: “We will take whatever steps are necessary to stop them”. A nuclear Iran is “unacceptable”. When US […]

Beating Women Drivers?

Strange news from Saudi Arabia: A campaign has been launched on Facebook calling for men to beat Saudi women who drive their cars in a planned protest next month against the ultra-conservative kingdom’s ban on women taking the wheel. The call comes as activists are demanding the release of Manal al-Sharif, a Saudi woman who […]

Obligatory WikiLeaks Apocalypse Post

The biggest headline of the massive 250,000-document dump by Julian Assange’s organization is probably this: Prince Abdullah: Neo-Con Warhawk? Dude. When it turns out Saudi royalty is on the same page with Bill Kristol vis-a-vis the need to bomb Iran, you know Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s regime is in trouble. More seriously: This WikiLeaks dump is extraordinarily damaging to U.S. […]