The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Brazilian Presidential Candidate Stabbed

Breaking news: Brazilian presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro has been stabbed at a political rally in southeast Brazil, according to witnesses. His injuries are not believed to be life-threatening. The incident happened just before 4 p.m. local time on Thursday when Bolsonaro, of the Social Liberty Party, was being carried by supporters at a political really […]

Russia! Russia! Russia!

The scandal of MuellerGate keeps getting worse for Democrats: Check Your Sources: CNN’s Cohen-Russia-Trump Tower Meeting Story Just Blew Up In Their Faces — Matt Vespa, Townhall Suspended Pentagon Whistleblower Says FBI’s Russia Probe Was ‘All a Set-Up’ — Debra Heine, PJMedia SOURCE: FBI AGENT TOLD CONGRESS THE BUREAU USED LEAKED STORIES TO OBTAIN SPY […]

Crazy People Are Dangerous: Transgender Activist and ‘Her’ Pedophile Dad

  Ashton “Aimee” Challenor is a 20-year-old activist in England who “came out” as transgender while he/“she” was a college freshman. Last year, “Aimee” ran for office on the Green Party ticket, and was an official spokesperson for the party on gender-related issues. The person “Aimee” listed as his/“her” campaign manager was his/“her” father, David […]

Rare STD Reported in England

It’s getting scary out there: A rare sexually transmitted disease that causes flesh-eating ulcers on patients’ genitalia has popped up in England, the Lancashire Post reported. An unnamed female patient, who lives in Southport and is between the ages of 15 and 25, reportedly was diagnosed with donovanosis within the last 12 months. Donovanosis, which […]

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Insanity

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau celebrates with typical Canadians. “Human rights” in Canada: Should the radical Left ever get its way in terms of what society classifies as a human “right” one day, then taxpayer dollars will go beyond funding abortions and into funding a transgender’s breast implants. Just take a peek up north in Canada. […]

Who Is Lisa H. Barsoomian?

  Keep the question in the headline in your mind. Early this morning, I received a PayPal contribution from a frequent commenter here, who urged me “in the name of all that’s holy” to pay attention to a long and complicated story posted at Reddit. It seems kind of crazy, but it all makes sense […]

More News About ‘Rape Culture’ That Feminists Won’t Notice, for Some Reason

  Huddersfield is a town in northern England, about halfway between Leeds and Manchester. Authorities say at least five girls ages 12-18 in this Yorkshire community were systematically raped and prostituted over a span of several years by a gang of Pakistani immigrants: Thirty men have been charged with raping and trafficking five girls in […]

The ‘Deep State’ Is Real: Whistleblower Punished for Pentagon Spy Complaint

Rowan Scarborough reports at The Washington Times: A Trump-supporting Pentagon analyst was stripped of his security clearance by Obama-appointed officials after he complained of questionable government contracts to Stefan Halper, the FBI informant who spied on the Trump presidential campaign. Adam Lovinger, a 12-year strategist in the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment, complained to his […]

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