The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Trump Wins, and the Left Complains

  No matter how much President Trump succeeds, the Left simply will not acknowledge his success. The headline on Robert Kuttner’s American Prospect column — asserting that Trump is inflicting “damage” by his “disastrous diplomacy” with North Korea — shows how the Left is committed to denying any recognition of Trump’s success. What is Professor […]

U.S. and Allies Scramble to Confront North Korea Missile Threat

  Agence France-Press reports: Nuclear-armed North Korea said Tuesday its missile launches were training for a strike on US bases in Japan, as global condemnation of the regime swelled. Three of the four missiles fired Monday came down provocatively close to US ally Japan, in waters that are part of its exclusive economic zone, representing […]

A Lesson in Efficient Dictatorship

Try to imagine that frightening alternative universe in which a guerrilla army overthrows the federal government, or a cabal of dissident generals stages a military coup and, as a result, I became the charismatic Supreme Dictator of America. The first order of business for the McCainist junta, of course, would be the liquidation of all […]

Kim’s Ex-Girlfriend Suffers Heartache, Execution by Firing Squad; Neal Sedaka Could Not Be Reached for Comment

Every guy who has ever been dumped by a girl knows the feeling. You mope around the house, thinking back on all the good times you had together, and then you start dreaming of the day you become the paranoid dictator of a totalitarian police state: Kim Jong-un’s ex-girlfriend was among a dozen well-known North […]

Like Freshman Orientation at Harvard

Chilling images from inside the mass indoctrination ceremonies where communist ‘cult’ leaders brainwash North Korea’s children

Why Don’t We Just Go Ahead and Nuke Those Vicious Communist Bastards?

When you write headlines like that, you don’t expect any offers of “senior fellowships” at leading think tanks or book offers from prestigious New York publishers, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a valid policy proposal. I woke up this morning and checked the Drudge headlines:   NKOREA: ‘Powerful striking means’ on standby… WATCHCON 2: […]

Kim Jong’s Illness Finally Takes Him

by Smitty BBC News has an un-embeddable clip. They also mention that Kim Jong Il’s son, the apparent new leader of the Norks, is a fine young orator, who, despite having a Marxist past and neither academic nor private sector credentials, and having been merely ‘present’ for a little while around the capitol, is expected […]

The USS George Washington: When You Care Enough to Send the Very Best

Jimmie Bise is right: “Nothing Sends a Message Like an Aircraft Carrier,” and President Obama seems to have realized that godless commie dictators aren’t going to be persuaded by mere words: The Pentagon has dispatched the aircraft carrier strike group led by the USS George Washington to the Yellow Sea for naval exercises with South […]

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