The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Incredible 10-Year-Old Mexican Singer Rocks the World With Music Video

Somebody sent me the video, which already has more than 5 million views, and I frankly couldn’t believe a 10-year-old could sing like this, but evidently it’s legit: Angie Vazquez and her band, Los Vazquez Sounds, have people all over buzzing about their cover of Adele‘s ‘Rolling in the Deep’ — 1.16 million to be […]

Is #PerryFail the Hot New #tcot Hashtag?

Rick Perry is already in a hole over his immigration policy, but he keeps on digging: “Are we going to kick these children over to the curb and say you cannot have access to college? Because the fact of the matter is there’s no way they could pay the out-of-state tuition.” Once more, Allahpundit wields […]

Chuck Norris And The NRA Vs. The DOJ: One Nearly Feels Sympathy For Holder

by Smitty (via Paco) Chuck Norris at Town Hall: Obama’s Department of Justice essentially is amending the Second Amendment by changing the rules for gun sales in border states. While working under the guise of stopping illegal contraband and fighting drug cartels, the White House in reality is further imposing its gun control agenda on […]

VIDEO: Herman Cain Says, ‘Secure the Border. Not Pretend That We Want to Secure the Border — Secure the Border

Nicholas Ballasy of CNSNews asked Herman Cain whether Mexican drug cartels should be declared foreign terrorist organizations. Cain agreed — “because we cannot become a lawless nation” — and then explained his four-point position on border security: “Empower the states to do what the federal government won’t do, can’t do — empower the states. Give […]

Massacre in Mexico

President Obama has plenty of time to worry about Libya, while murderous anarchy is just across the southern border: Security forces have unearthed six more bodies in a northeastern Mexican border state where a drug gang is believed to be kidnapping passengers from buses and hiding their victims in secret graves, authorities said Tuesday. A […]

Karl Rove, the Bush Dynasty, and the GOP Elite’s Push for ‘Immigration Reform’

Steve Sailer attempts to explain the otherwise inexplicable disaster: On the personal side, George and Barbara Bush employed a live-in Mexican maid, Paula Rendon, of whom W. has said, “I have come to love her like a second mother.” He went on to employ another Mexican immigrant, Maria Galvan, to raise his two daughters. Younger brother […]

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