The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Deported Immigrant Sex Offender Caught by Border Patrol in Texas

  Guarantee you won’t see this story reported on CNN: U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the Eagle Pass Station arrested a convicted sex offender in Eagle Pass, Monday. “Our agents are tasked with preserving our way of life and ensuring the integrity of our borders and the security of our communities,” said Del Rio […]

Illegal Alien Causes Mayhem by Threatening to Shoot Bus Passengers

Margarito Vargas-Rosas was arrested Friday. Bizarre news from Wisconsin: The man arrested for allegedly threatening to shoot and kill people on a Greyhound bus Friday night was a previously deported illegal immigrant living in Chicago, Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling said Saturday. During a news conference Saturday afternoon at the Racine County Sheriff’s Office substation, […]

Obama Administration Let Illegal Alien Stay; Now the Girl He Raped Is Dead

Armando Rodrigo Garcia-Ramirez (left) and Jennifer Delgado (right). Next time a feminist mentions “rape culture” or “violence against women,” ask her when she’s going to write about Jennifer Delgado: An illegal alien who allegedly twice raped his 15-year-old stepdaughter now stands accused of murdering the girl after Obama’s Department of Justice refused to prosecute him […]

Mexican Murder Suspect Is Finally Deported After 13-Year U.S. Crime Spree

Mexican criminal Fabian Godinez-Oseguera deported by ICE. This case “ought to make your blood boil,” indeed: Fabian Godinez-Oseguera was wanted on a warrant in Mexico for a 2000 murder. He fled to the United States and — despite multiple felony convictions here and having been repeatedly deported to Mexico — was still running around loose […]

‘Undocumented Workers’: Dating Underaged Girls Americans Won’t Date

Say hello to Jose Zarata, 25, described by a sheriff’s deputy in Maricopa County, Arizona, as “a non-U.S. citizen who has been living in the country without proper authorization.” Turns out there were other things Jose wanted to do “without proper authorization,” such as dating the 13-year-old daughter of Maria Saucedo. She said “no,” so Jose […]

Obama Solves Mexican Hunger Crisis

How do you say “food stamps” in Spanish? Department of Agriculture personnel in the Obama administration have met with Mexican Government officials dozens of times since the president took office to promote nutrition assistance programs — notably food stamps — among Mexican Americans, Mexican nationals and migrant communities in America. . . . “The Mexico-U.S. […]

Obama’s One Success

He has singlehandedly solved our immigration problem! For first time since Depression, more Mexicans leave U.S. than enter Turns out, all you have to do is to destroy the potential for economic growth, and illegal aliens go home. If they were happy living in a corrupt Third World pesthole, why bother leaving Mexico? UPDATE: Ed […]

Vasquez Sounds: El Talento Musical de Mexicali Lanzó a la Fama por el Video

Los lectores disculpen la torpe español. Esto se traduce del Inglés con Google. Recuerdo la mañana del viernes, cuando he publicado sobre los 10 años de edad, la cantante Angie Vásquez y sus hermanos? Su video musical les ha hecho la mayor sensación en Internet. El video ha recibido casi 6 millones de visitas, y […]

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