The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Italian Official: ‘A Country Which Does Not Create Children Is Destined to Die’

  Jack Montgomery reports at Breitbart: Italy’s new Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini is following Hungary’s Viktor Orbán in putting demographics at the heart of his programme, warning that a country which imports migrants instead of supporting families is “destined to die”. The League (Lega) leader, who heads one half of […]

Actress Flees Italy as ‘Sophisticated’ Europeans Side With Harvey Weinstein

Our “allies” are so thoughtful and enlightened: Italian movie actress and director Asia Argento is facing pushback in her home country after speaking out about an alleged rape at the hands of disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein. While Argento’s courage in speaking about what happened to her was praised in Hollywood, and helped encourage at least 40 women to speak […]

Muslim Who Killed 12 in Berlin Terrorist Attack Is Caught, Shot Dead in Italy

German officials issued a bulletin seeking Berlin terror suspect Anis Amri.   Immediately after Monday’s deadly truck rampage in Berlin, it was reported that police had apprehended a Pakistani suspect in the Islamic terrorist attack. However, evidence showed that a Tunisian immigrant — a man well-known to European anti-terrorism authorities — was the actual perpetrator. […]

Why Do You Hate Italians?

She’s an Italian actress named Alessandra Mastronardi, and if you needed a reminder to read Bob Belvedere’s Camp of the Saints . . . Well, certainly she did the trick, eh? And speaking of Italians . . . Mr. Santorum issued a statement that said, in part, “As the son of an Italian immigrant myself, […]

Part Of Recovering Western Civilization Is Just Saying “No” To Feminist Tripe

by Smitty The Last Tradition links to Lowry in the NY Post contrasting the Titanic with Costa Concordia, but I think this analysis overplays the hand by a long shot: I’m not trying to single out Italian men because the same crisis exists in the United States. We have almost two generation of males in […]

MONDAY DOOM WATCH: Europe Circling the Economic Drain

Four headlines from Drudge: Britain draws up emergency plans for collapse of Euro … IMF drafting $800 billion bailout plan for Italy, Spain … REPORT: FRANCE, GERMANY PREPARE TO TAKE DRASTIC MEASURES … NYT: Time runs short … Remember, these are sophisticated Europeans. Liberals have always wanted America to be more like sophisticated Europe, where […]

Silvio Plays The ‘I May Be Incompetent, But I Am All You Have Got’ Card

by Smitty We need a term for this argument. How about Argumentum ad Gasbagam? Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi appealed for his political survival Thursday, telling parliament that his government is the only credible alternative to help guide the country through the growing sovereign debt crisis. Berlusconi’s 3 1/2-year-old government faces a confidence vote Friday that […]

EU President Van Rompuy Continues Playing Whack-A-Mole, When Whack-A-Budget Is Needed

by Smitty (h/t Memorandum via Google Reader) Reuters reports: European Council President Herman Van Rompuy has called an emergency meeting of top officials dealing with the euro zone debt crisis for Monday morning, reflecting concern that the crisis could spread to Italy, the region’s third largest economy. European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet will attend […]

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