The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Israel Haters Lose at UCLA

One of the weird consequences of the Bush-era “Global War on Terror” is that it inspired sympathy for terrorists among young progressives, whose reasoning seems to have been: “If Republicans are against terrorists, therefore, terrorists must be victims.” This kind of sympathy for America’s enemies has long been endemic on the far Left, but the […]

R.I.P. Ariel Sharon, a Tough Jew

Today, former PM Ariel Sharon passed away. He was a courageous leader & defender of Israel. May his memory be blessed — IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) January 11, 2014 When I was a kid growing up in the 1960s, the endless nightmare of the Vietnam War was the nightly news. And it was therefore an astonishing […]

Why Do @MaxBlumenthal Fanboys Hate @AlanaGoodman and @RosieGray?

Because They Hate would be an acceptable answer, of course, but after BuzzFeed’s Rosie Gray put the spotlight on how Max Blumenthal’s anti-Israel book was being defended by Max’s father, longtime Clinton adviser Sidney Blumenthal, the hate machine cranked up. Then today, the Free Beacon’s Alana Goodman reported about a book party that Sid hosted […]

The Humor-Impaired @MaxBlumenthal and His Hamas-Loving Gang of Thugs

Andrew Breitbart Was Right: @MaxBlumenthal Is Despicable

Perhaps you’ve forgotten this epic confrontation between Andrew Breitbart and Max Blumenthal at CPAC 2010:   That video came to mind today when I read an article by Rosie Gray of BuzzFeed about how Max’s father Sidney Blumenthal (notorious as a hatchet-man for the Clintons in the 1990s) had mounted a poison-pen campaign against liberal […]

‘Retreating Into Masada Would Not Save The GOP Zealots From The Legion,’ Spake Senator Harry ‘Biggus Dickus’ Reid

by Smitty Congresswoman Michele Bachmann remains inspirational: According to Bachmann, the general agreement among Republicans is that the resistance to President Obama’s agenda surrounding the shutdown has now expanded beyond Obamacare, thanks to Obama’s intransigence. “This is a lot bigger than Obamacare,” Bachmann said. “This is about whether this country is going to succumb to […]

The Highly Ironic Syrian End-Game?

When last we examined the mess in Syria, President Obama was embarrassed that the Assad regime had crossed his “red line” by reportedly using chemical weapons against the rebels (who are, by the way, a dangerous mob of Islamic extremists). And so now the ironic denouement, in headlines via  Memeorandum:   Damascus hit ‘by Israeli […]

Mr. Nobel Peace Prize Works His Magic: Israel Now at War With Syria?

All it took was an Obama trip to the Mideast, and suddenly everything seems to be flying completely sideways: Reuters is reporting that Israel has fired upon and destroyed a machine gun position in the Golan Heights. It is unclear at this moment whether this is merely spillover from the Syrian civil war or whether […]

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