The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

My Nobel Peace Prize Gaza Plan

Twenty billion dollars — by my calculations, that’s what it would cost to solve the problem of the Gaza Strip. The population of Gaza is estimated at slightly more than 1.8 million people. So if we figure $10,000 for every man, woman and child in Gaza, that’s $18,000,000,000, give or take a few hundred million […]

The War in Gaza

The latest “Mideast Peace Plan” in action: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the military Friday to prepare for a “significant expansion” of its ground operation against Gaza militants. Netanyahu said the military’s primary goal would be to destroy underground tunnels used by Hamas to attack the Jewish State. The announcement came hours after Israeli […]

They Always Blame the Jews

The “Final Solution” to the Mideast problem: As Hamas Rockets continued to rain down on Israeli population centers, a large anti-Israel rally took place in Seattle’s Westlake Center this Saturday, July 12. Protesters screamed anti-Israel slogans calling for the destruction of the Jewish state while waving signs and marching through the downtown sidewalks. But this […]

Max Blumenthal Claims That Netanyahu ‘Stage-Managed’ Kidnapped Teens Crisis

The Israeli government “stage-managed” the crisis sparked by the kidnapping of three Jewish teenagers, Left-wing writer Max Blumenthal said in an interview on the Russia Today network. Blumenthal said a “gag order” that kept information about the Israeli investigation of the kidnapping was part of a conspiracy by Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to foment […]

Our Moral Superiors™

You have to wonder sometimes how the intelligentsia have been able to maintain the myth of their superiority for so long, and how much longer they can keep it up in the face of overwhelming evidence contradicting this myth. For example, the American Studies Association (ASA) boycott campaign against Israel is led by New York University […]

Brandeis Brownshirt Talia Lepson Hurls Crude Insults at Pro-Israel Student

Talia Lepson (@tlepthechamp on Twitter) is a Brandeis University sophomore “majoring in Politics and minoring in Peace, Conflict, and Coexistence Studies” who describes herself as an “avid MSNBC viewer.” In case you forgot the recent campus controversy: April 9: Brandeis and Suicidal Liberalism April 17: Shocking: Brandeis Feminist Faculty Led Petition Against Aayan Hirsi Ali […]

Remember When @RaniaKhalek Played ‘Count the Jews at the Nation’?

New York University student Laura Adkins exposed the intimidation tactics of the radical campus group Students for Justice in Palestine and, as you might expect, Adkins has been relentlessly harassed online the past two days by the usual suspects, including self-proclaimed “independent journalist” Rania Khalek. The fact that SJP is linked to Hamas? The fact […]

Totalitarian Terror: Anti-Israel Campus Extremists Target Jewish Students

Jewish students at New York University were the targets of a sick stunt by members of an anti-Israel group called Students for Justice in Palestine, and this hateful deed should be a teachable moment, an occasion to reflect on recent history. The anti-Israel sentiments of the academic Left are no secret to those who have paid […]

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