The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

U.S. to Join Anti-Israel Bloc at U.N.?

A troubling signal: The U.S. informed Arab governments Tuesday that it will support a U.N. Security Council statement reaffirming that the 15-nation body “does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlement activity,” a move aimed at avoiding the prospect of having to veto a stronger Palestinian resolution calling the settlements illegal. But the Palestinians […]


Pejman Yousefzadeh disassembles Conor Friedersdorf with admirable gusto, beginning, “I really have things I would prefer doing this evening instead of engaging in yet another blogfight with someone at the Atlantic, but . . .” Yousefzadeh eviscerates Friedersdorf for defending anti-Israel crank Philip Giraldi and you’ve really got to read the whole thing, which includes […]

‘The Euphoria Is Fading’

So says Donald Douglas at American Power, whose initial optimism about democraticization in Egypt has been tempered by evidence that the anti-Mubarak protesters are influenced byIslamic radicalism, and that a post-Mubarak Egypt is therefore likely to be anti-Israel and anti-American. “Likely,” I say, and to say that is not to suggest the Egyptian unrest will certainly […]

Egyptian Mob Explains That ‘Freedom’ Means ‘We Got to Destroy Israel’

Nic Robertson of CNN was interviewing protesters in Alexandria when some of them started telling him the truth. Here’s a picture of the guy (in beard with blue cap) who really lays it out: The Blaze caught this and, as they explain, the truth-telling starts at about the 1:30 mark, including a woman who says […]

Your Daily Egyptian Update

The White House is trying to stay neutral: White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Monday that it is “not for me or our government to determine” whether Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak should leave office amid massive protests against his rule. Gibbs said the United States is “not picking between those on the street and […]

‘Whose Bright Idea Was It to Send Joe Biden Out to Talk About Egypt?’

Question of the day, asked by Blake Hounshell of Foreign Policy in response to the latest eruption of Bidenism. “Asked if he would characterize Mubarak as a dictator Biden responded: ‘Mubarak has been an ally of ours in a number of things. And he’s been very responsible on, relative to geopolitical interest in the region, […]

The St. Pancake Flotilla: Commission Determines IHH Initiated Violence

An official commission investigated the May incident where Israeli commandos were attacked when they boarded a vessel defying the Gaza blockade, and has determined that activists with the Turkish “humanitarian” agency IHH provoked the incident: The commission concluded that on board the Mavi Marmara and the other flotilla vessels was a group of IHH and affiliated activists […]

Helen Thomas: Blood on Her Hands

Yesterday I joked about Helen Thomas’s latest expedition into Jew-baiting paranoia. Yet, ridiculous as it is, what Thomas is telling the Arab world is what too many people — Arab and non-Arab alike — are all too eager to believe: That American foreign policy vis-a-vis the Middle East is controlled by a conspiracy of wealthy Jews. Thomas cannot […]

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