The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Obama the Neocon?

Max Boot’s take on the president’s big “Arab spring” speech: As John [Podhoretz] and Jonathan [Tobin] have already noted, today’s speech at the State Department marks Barack Obama’s emergence as a full-fledged, born-again neocon firmly in the George W. Bush mold. . . . Obama, like Bush, is a neocon because he has been mugged […]

The Terrorist Times

The New York Times publishes an op-ed column by Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestine Liberation Organization. If you click that link, be prepared to wipe the blood off your computer screen.

Her Name Was Simona Rudina …

Tel Aviv, June 10, 2001 (Photo by IDF) . . . and she was just 17 years old. Simona was born in Lithuania, when that nation was still under the heel of Soviet despotism. When she was 3 years old, her family emigrated to Israel. On the evening of June 10, 2001, Simona and some friends wanted to […]

VIDEO: Chomsky vs. Israel

Donald Douglas at American Power got this video during Noam Chomsky’s appearance at UCLA: Donald describes Chomksy’s lecture as “propaganda, and says: [W]hat’s even more fascinating than hearing Chomsky’s America-bashing is observing the rock star status he’s afforded by the huge crowd of collegiate wannabe bohemians, diehard pro-terror communists, and the campus Islamist jihadis who […]

Israel, Islam and Endogamy

Is heredity destiny? At least one rabbi says so: ‘Gentile sperm leads to barbaric offspring’ Rabbi Dov Lior, a senior authority on Jewish law in the Religious Zionism movement, asserted recently that a Jewish woman should never get pregnant using sperm donated by a non-Jewish man –- even if it is the last option available. […]

Asking the Right Question

“Why are you apologizing all the time?” Sarah Palin asked her Israeli hosts, inspiring admiration and many further thoughts from Professor William Jacobson.

‘Arab Savages’ and Other Things No One Can Write About in 21st-Century England

No matter how savage any Arabs may be: A Melanie Phillips blogpost on the [U.K.] Spectator website which referred to the “moral depravity” of Arab “savages” is being investigated by the Press Complaints Commission. The online comment piece, headlined “Armchair barbarism”, focused on media coverage of the murder of five members of a Jewish family […]

Nirs Rosen, Moonbat

“Certainly, if the goal of the war is to reduce the threat from this group called al-Qaeda — which may not even exist anymore — then nobody has explained why increasing American occupation in Afghanistan, where you don’t even have al-Qaeda, is going to help weaken al-Qaeda . . . A couple hundred guys who […]

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