The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Demonic Feminist Rants at Movement’s Male Allies: ‘Know Your Place!’

  The First Rule of Feminism is SHUT UP! “I want to address all the men in this audience. . . . I want to talk to all the men today, who made placards and banners of pro-choice. . . . I am saying to all those men: Know your place! This is a women’s […]

Family Outing at Antietam Battlefield

President O’Bama celebrated St. Patrick’s Day at the Dubliner in D.C., but the unseasonably warm spring day took our family to Antietam National Battlefield Park, scene of The Battle of Sharpsburg. Reagan, 9, and Emerson, 11, have a laugh at the expense of Yankee Gen. Ambrose Burnside, who was ordered to cross Antietam Creek and […]

‘Nice Bit of Driving!’

So shouts one of the Irish spectators in Dublin, where Obama’s limousine got stuck on a speed-bump while leaving the U.S. Embassy there: At the 10-second mark, you hear the first scrape as one of the police cars leadintg the motorcade bottoms out. Then at 16 seconds, the presidential limo (an armor-plate vehicle known as […]

Debt Causes Collapse of Irish Government

Something here I can’t quite put my finger on: The Irish government faced imminent collapse on Monday, only a day after it signed off on a $100 billion bailout, setting the stage for a new election early next year and injecting the threat of political instability into a European financial crisis that already has markets […]

EUROPE IN CRISIS: Sudden Financial Emergency Strikes EU Zone
UPDATE: Götterdämmerung?

These headlines at the Drudge Report outline evidence of increasing stress on European economies: IRELAND ON THE BRINK… …TOLD TO TAKE EU BAILOUT PORTUGAL HITS PANIC BUTTON… GREEK DEFICIT MUCH BIGGER THAN ESTIMATE…   Is this it? Are we finally approaching global economic Armageddon? Give me a few minutes to sort through what this means. […]

Irish Eyes Aren’t Smiling

If this doesn’t worry you, it should: European shares were expected to fall for a third straight day on Friday, tracking losses in Asia and on Wall Street, with worries about Ireland’s debt levels and weak commodity prices seen putting pressure on equities. . . . “As for Europe, the deteriorating state of the Irish […]