The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

International Intrigue Surrounds Harvard University Graduate Student Bo Guagua

Livin’ La Vida Guagua: Son of ChiCom official partied down in England In February, 41-year-old British businessman Neil Heywood died in China. Gu Kailai, wife of provincial Communist Party official Bo Xilai, reportedly confessed to Heywood’s murder: According to Mr Wang, Mr Heywood, a fixer with decades of experience in China and a family friend […]

Sarkozy Discovers His Open Right Flank

Because it is my habit to ignore smelly foreigners (and let’s face it, they all stink), I pay little heed to the troubles of French politicians. Nevertheless, Nicholas Sarkozy is the most pro-American French politician since . . . Well, he’s pro-American, and so his difficulties are kind of relevant. In order to retain power, […]

The Year I Was Born: 1959

Buddy Holly died in a plane crash, Fidel Castro staged a communist revolution in Cuba, Marilyn Monroe starred in Some Like it Hot, and the British embassy was worried about Kenyan students: A memo from a British diplomat in Washington to Whitehall — released today by the National Archives in West London — sets out their […]

First in War, First in Peace, First on the List of Britain’s All-Time Enemies

The Brits acknowledge George Washington’s greatness: Our nation’s first president, who led the 13 colonies in the Revolution against England’s tyrannical rule, was picked by a wide margin in a National Army Museum in London poll as the greatest foe ever faced by Britain. Washington delivered one of “the most jarring defeat(s)” ever inflicted upon […]

Andrew Sullivan Should Be Deported, Not Invited to White House State Dinners

Let me set this up by telling you a story: My 13-year-old son Jefferson accompanied me to South Carolina in January. After the debate in Myrtle Beach was over and I’d hit my deadline for the American Spectator (“Carolina Spin Wars“), friends wanted me to join them at the hotel bar, and I told Jefferson to […]

The Paradox Of Progressive Idiocy, Billy Bragg Edition

by Smitty via @s_dog on Twitter, via Tim Blair: Billy Bragg: “Jingoism is no answer to England’s ebbing power“: Unless and until we throw off our imperial pretensions and begin to relate to our neighbours as equals, joining with them in creating new networks of active devolution and shared sovereignty, we English are in danger […]

Daniel Hannan CPAC12 AECR European Debt Crisis Panel Introduction

by Smitty I didn’t see any other cameras in the Tyler room for the European Debt Crisis panel. This may be an exclusive. The battery was spent after Daniel, so his intro was all I could capture. My argument is that if the British don’t make Hannan the Prime Minister really soon, somebody (say, Fox) […]

Britannia, Rule the Waves!

And damn the Argies! A South American trading bloc has agreed to close its ports to ships flying the Falkland Islands flag. Mercosur, which includes Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, came to the decision at a summit in the Uruguayan capital, Montevideo. But Uruguayan President Jose Mujica said British-flagged civilian ships that may supply the […]

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