The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Fear That Dare Not Speak Its Name

An art show in London was cancelled because of fears of Islamic terrorism, and arts writers at major newspapers ignored the cancellation. Mark Steyn has a few thoughts.  

The Face of Cowardice: Theresa May

Meet the hideous creature who banned Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer from England: British Home Secretary Theresa May, a disgrace to her office, to her nation and to every British citizen who ever lived. On June 25, this deplorable stain on the reputation of a once honorable people “personally directed that [Geller] should be excluded from […]

‘We Must Fight Them as They Fight Us,’ Says Terrorist Who Beheaded Soldier

VIDEO: Bloody Terrorist Who Murdered Soldier in London: ‘You People Will Never Be Safe!’ Remind me again how British soldiers run over people on city streets in broad daylight and then butcher them like cattle: A British soldier was reportedly murdered near an Army barracks by two men who beheaded him while shouting “Allahu Akbar!” Eyewitnesses […]

‘Defeat? I Do Not Recognize the Meaning of the Word!’ Margaret Thatcher, R.I.P.

When my daughter Kennedy was 11, Margaret Thatcher came to Washington to give a speech — sponsored by the Heritage Foundation, as I recall — and I managed to get Kennedy inside on my media pass. While I don’t recall exactly what Baroness Thatcher said on that occasion, I was deeply grateful that my daughter […]

British Left’s War on ‘Page Three Girls’

Since 1970, Britain’s largest-selling newspaper, The Sun tabloid, has been famous — or, as some would say, notorious — for publishing photos of topless models on page 3, so that the “Page Three Girls” have become something of a national institution. Yet now, radical feminists have mounted a campaign to ban these buxom beauties: The […]

Transsexual Bullies Successfully Censor Feminist Writers Who Criticized Them

News from the competitive victimhood sweepstakes in Great Britain indicates that transsexuals have won the Most Oppressed Group prize, and are now able to demand complete deference. Kathy Shaidle and Donald Douglas have covered this bizarre controversy. To summarize: Suzanne Moore, a columnist for the left-wing Guardian newspaper, published a feminist essay in the New Statesman magazine that included […]

CNN’s Foreign Subversive Piers Morgan ‘Threatens’ to Leave U.S. Over Guns

At the end of a long rambling anti-gun diatribe: In conclusion, I can spare those Americans who want me deported a lot of effort by saying this: If you don’t change your gun laws to at least try to stop this relentless tidal wave of murderous carnage, then you don’t have to worry about deporting […]

Everybody Hates Piers Morgan

The petition to deport Piers Morgan is now nearing 90,000 signatures — which is what I’d call “a good start” — and this groundswell of antipathy to being lectured by a smarmy Brit on CNN has now reached America’s youth, including Michael Butler at The High School Conservative: Piers Morgan “has a case of the sads” […]

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