The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Gay Baby Merchant Boasts: ‘My Vast Wealth and Contacts Will Crush Anyone’

British couple Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow with two of their surrogate babies. A British millionaire who stars in a Sky TV reality show about his surrogate baby business responded to an e-mail from a critic by boasting about his £18 million London mansion and threatening to use his influence to “crush anyone” who opposed him. […]

Wombs for Rent, Babies for Sale: TV Promotes Gay Surrogate Business

Barrie Drewitt-Barlow is CEO of the British Surrogacy Centre, a business that specializes in hiring surrogate mothers for gay men: Barrie and his partner were the first same sex couple in the UK to use a surrogate mother and to be recognised on the birth certificate of those children, as parent 1 and parent 2. […]

British Jury Acquits Lesbian, 40, Who Had Drunk Sex With Girl, 15

The legal age of consent in England is 16, and if you tell a jury you didn’t know your partner’s age, you may go scot-free: A female radio DJ who had sex with a 15-year-old girl after plying her with vodka has walked free from court because she did not know the teenager’s real age. […]

British Group Claimed ‘Research’ Showed ‘No Identifiable Damage’ of Child Sex

Last week, we reported on the controversy about British Labour Party officials’ ties to a group that lobbied on behalf of pedophiles in the 1970s (“The UK Left’s Pro-Pedophile Past“). The controversy has continued, as the dishonest excuses of officials are exposed: Evidence has emerged that the views of the Paedophile Information Exchange influenced policy-making […]

The UK Left’s Pro-Pedophile Past

You might think polyester bell-bottoms, disco music and shag haircuts were the worst thing about the 1970s. WRONG! The links that left Harriet Harman being forced to deny support for paedophiles date back nearly four decades when the Labour deputy leader was an official in the National Council for Civil Liberties. Miss Harman, along with […]

Britain Belatedly Admits It Has an ‘Islamist Extremism’ Problem

Woolwich, England, May 22: Killer shouted, ‘Allahu akbar!’ Gee, how did they ever figure this out? Britain plans to classify “Islamist extremism” as a distinct ideology, British Prime Minister David Cameron said on Tuesday, as part the government’s response to the murder of a soldier on a busy London street. Cameron said he would implement […]

Anarchy in the UK: Guardian Editor Admits Endangering British Agents

OK, that’s not the headline at the Daily Mail, but their headlines are always so ponderously long, aren’t they? We love Britain, insists Guardian editor as he is accused by MPs of breaking the law for leaking secrets which endangered UK spies And then the stack of bullet-point subheads: • Debate rages about dangers of Edward […]

Remember the Pro-Pedophile Movement That Liberals Pretend Doesn’t Exist?

Considering how often we’re told that there is no such movement, the ongoing effort to legalize sex with kids sure keeps busy: The [British] prime minister has rejected a call from a leading expert on public health to lower the age of consent to 15. Faculty of Public Health president Prof John Ashton said society […]

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