The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Number One, He’s French

That could also be numbers two through five, but James Poulos is more imaginative with “Five Reasons François Hollande Is Destined to Fail,” and includes this astonishing fact: As Gideon Rachman observes, France “is a country where the state already consumes 56 per cent of gross domestic product, which has not balanced a budget since […]

France To U.S.: We Will Make The Election Of Obama Seem Smart

by Smitty According to Breitbart, Nicolas the Short has been ousted in favor of Francois Holland. Holland seems to favor: raise taxes (including a marginal tax rate for earnings above $1 million to 75%), lower retirement age, and boost spending levels I suppose that’s one reaction to economic reality: deny it categorically. Zerohedge plays the […]

Sarkozy Discovers His Open Right Flank

Because it is my habit to ignore smelly foreigners (and let’s face it, they all stink), I pay little heed to the troubles of French politicians. Nevertheless, Nicholas Sarkozy is the most pro-American French politician since . . . Well, he’s pro-American, and so his difficulties are kind of relevant. In order to retain power, […]

Urbane, Cosmopolitan President Looked Quite The Mouth-Breather In France

by Smitty (via Insty) The Washington Times reports that BHO gave it the Full Archie Bunker while visiting France, emphasis mine: “I want to make mention that this is our first meeting since the arrival of the newest Sarkozy, and so I want to congratulate Nicolas and Carla on the birth of Giulia,” Mr. Obama […]

French Plutocrat 1, Hotel Maid 0

That’s the final score of the Dominique Strauss-Kahn sex scandal: All charges have been dropped against the former International Monetary Fund boss. We now look forward to the obligatory Amanda Marcotte auto-beclownment which, as night follows day, completes every major sex scandal.

Britain’s Skanky Future: Former Pre-Teen Bikini Model Now Pregnant at Age 15 and Her Welfare Mother Says She’s ‘Excited’

Say hello to Soya Keaveney, shown in a bikini photo she posed for at age 12, when the British girl was featured in a July 2008 magazine article: Wearing a skimpy bikini and flaunting herself in an overtly sexual manner, Soya looks every bit the wannabe glamour model. . . . Soya never goes out […]

French Plan for Greek Crisis Won’t Work

The stock market surged last week after France announced a plan for French banks to roll over some maturing Greek bonds, thus helping avert default. But now credit rating agencies have had a chance to read the fine print on that plan and aren’t liking what they see: Greece risks being judged in default on its debt […]

IMF Director: French Socialist Pervert

But I repeat myself: Tristane Banon was in her 20s and writing a book when she approached Strauss-Kahn for an interview in 2002. In a TV programme in 2007, in which Strauss-Kahn’s name had been bleeped out, Banon allegedly described him as a “rutting chimpanzee” and described how she was forced to fight him off. […]

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