The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

ISIS Claims Credit for Paris Slaughter; Death Toll 127 in Islamic Terror Attack

  ISIS released a video overnight claiming responsibility for the violence that brought bloodshed to the streets of Paris. The death toll in Friday’s terrorist attack is now reported at 127; earlier reports had said more than 150 were killed. The New York Post reports: Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for attacks that killed […]

PARIS JIHAD: Major Terrorist Attack UPDATE: French President Declares Emergency, Says ‘Several Dozen Dead’

UPDATE 9:50 p.m. ET: Islamic terrorists struck the heart of France, murdering scores of civilians Friday in a bloody night of carefully coordinated violence. More than 150 people were reported killed, most of them at the Bataclan arts center where Muslim gunmen opened fired during a rock concert, then began systematically executing young people who […]

Yes, But It’s France

Ace of Spades: The French (socialist) government is peddling a study claiming one hundred effing percent of French women are harassed on public transportation. One hundred percent! Every single female! Now that’s how you do fake statistics, my friends: Go big or go home. I’m not sure the numbers are fake. The French are a […]

The New Exodus

The four Jews killed in an attack on a kosher market in Paris will be buried in Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced and, despite absurd leftist hysteria about “Islamophobia,” we need not doubt who is targeted by the real climate of hate in France: A survey of French Muslims in 2014 found a community […]

France and Terror

Reacting to Ross Douthat’s New York Times column about the plight of France, I deployed my usual caustic sarcasm: If the fate of the West is in any way dependent on the French, then our civilization is doomed beyond all hope of redemption. This could create the impression of thoughtlessness, and I don’t wish to […]


Hundreds of thousands are rallying today in the streets of Paris in the wake of Wednesday’s Charlie Hebdo massacre: Dignitaries and world leaders are expected to join hundreds of thousands of people in France on Sunday in what government officials are calling a “unity rally” in defiance of a terrorism spree that claimed 17 lives. […]

The Hunt for Hayat Boumeddiene

“The Charlie magazine team deserved what they got. Many warnings have been given before, but they were persistent. They had the freedom to use cartoons in their magazine, and we have the freedom to use bullets from our magazines. . . . The lions of Jihad have stood. The followers of Muhammad — peace be […]


Hayat Boumeddiene (left) and Amedy Coulibaly (right) EventsĀ in and around Paris unfolded so rapidly Friday that news reports were still confused and tentative as night fell in France: French police have released the names and pictures of two suspects wanted in connection with the killing of policewoman Clarissa Jean-Philippe in Montrouge and an ongoing hostage […]

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