The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Terrorist Shouts ‘Allahu Akbar,’ Shot After Machete Attack on Louvre Museum

He brought a knife to a gunfight: A terror probe has been launched in Paris after a machete-wielding man was shot after trying to attack four soldiers outside the Louvre. The suspect was shot five times in the stomach and is in a critical condition. He was shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ — Arabic for ‘God is […]

‘These Discourses of Heterosexuality Which Particularly Oppress All of Us’

‘The Straight Mind’ author Monique Wittig. When did feminism become completely insane? Some of us would argue that modern feminism was always crazy from its inception in the late 1960s as the so-called Women’s Liberation movement. However, it took decades for enough of these hate-filled anti-male lunatics to secure faculty tenure and compile their ideas […]

Muslim Who Killed 12 in Berlin Terrorist Attack Is Caught, Shot Dead in Italy

German officials issued a bulletin seeking Berlin terror suspect Anis Amri.   Immediately after Monday’s deadly truck rampage in Berlin, it was reported that police had apprehended a Pakistani suspect in the Islamic terrorist attack. However, evidence showed that a Tunisian immigrant — a man well-known to European anti-terrorism authorities — was the actual perpetrator. […]

TERROR IN FRANCE – Sixty Dead In Bastille Day Truck Attack

— by Wombat-socho Per the UK’s Daily Express, at least 76 people are dead after a terrorist rammed his box truck into a crowd out celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, France. Police apparently found guns, grenades, and other explosives in the truck, which was abandoned by the terrorist; he fled to a nearby restaurant where […]

TERROR RAID: French Police Kill Two, Arrest Seven Suspects in Saint Denis

  In a pre-dawn raid reportedly aimed at the mastermind of the Nov. 13 terrorist attacks in Paris, at least two suspects were killed and five arrested in the suburb of Saint Denis. CNN initially reported three suspects had been killed, including one female who blew herself up with a bomb, during the raid targeting […]

FRANCE AT WAR: Jets Strike ISIS Stronghold; Terror Suspects Raided

  Friday’s attack in Paris has prompted French authorities to take military action against the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa: France bombed the Syrian city of Raqqa on Sunday night, its most aggressive strike against the Islamic State group it blames for killing 129 people in a string of terrorist attacks across Paris only two days […]

TERROR MANHUNT: French Authorities Seeking Accomplices of Islamic Killers

  The perpetrators of Friday’s massacre in Paris have been identified, and the investigation exposes the worldwide menace of Islam: Police [on Saturday] issued an international arrest warrant for one of three Belgian-born brothers believed to be at the heart of the eight-strong ISIS cell who murdered 132 people in Paris. French police are hunting […]

PARIS ATTACK: Terrorist ‘Refugee’ Had Syrian Passport; Death Toll Now 129

  Reuters reports: The holder of a Syrian passport found near the body of one of the gunmen who died in Friday night’s attacks in Paris passed through Greece in October, a Greek minister said. “The holder of the passport passed through the island of Leros on Oct. 3, 2015, where he was identified according […]

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