The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

California Workers Laid Off and Their Jobs Shipped to China by Greedy Republican Democrat Jane Harman?

Yeah, this could kind of wreck the class-warfare rhetoric Democrats usually roll out in their election campaigns: California Democrat Rep. Jane Harman’s family business is laying off American workers – including engineering employees in California — and shifting jobs overseas. A letter from the human resources director of one Harman company, obtained exclusively by The […]

Obama to Europe: ‘Double-Dip,’ Anyone?

The headline is “Obama Urges Europe Not to Drop Stimulus Measures Yet,” but to understand what the president is actually trying to say, you have to read this New York Times story very carefully: President Obama signaled on Friday that countries in Europe should not withdraw their extraordinary spending programs too quickly. In a public […]

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