The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Commie Homophobia in China

LGBT activists recently got into an uproar about Chinese homophobes: Basketball team members in China carried a banner saying “defend core socialist values” and “keep homosexuality far from campus” at a university [April 16], sparking outrage. Ling Bing, the women’s basketball team coach at Huazhong University of Science and Technology of Central China, posted a […]

Asian Infrastructure Development Bank

by Smitty   Ain’t It Interesting Barack, All International Intelligence Battling, Another Inimical Institution Begets Agression. Instinctively, Intrisically: Bejing.   via Instapundit

Recusing Myself On Recent Events, Let Me Bring Up A Point About Tiananmen Square

by Smitty In the first place, the United States government is not a line of Type 59 tanks. In the second place, recent headline twerps are not Tank Man, staring down the barrel of tyranny. The question to ask is: what constitutes heroism? It strikes me that, if in a situation where the government is […]

Feminists Celebrate Chi-Com Swimmer, Exaggerate Olympic Record

Feminists can ruin anything, even a 16-year-old’s gold medal. When China’s Ye Shiwen set a record time in the 400-meter individual medley, headline writers created the false impression that she swam faster than the men’s champion, Ryan Lochte. Selwyn Duke at The American Thinker explains the misperception: The  confusion stems from the fact that Ye […]

International Intrigue Surrounds Harvard University Graduate Student Bo Guagua

Livin’ La Vida Guagua: Son of ChiCom official partied down in England In February, 41-year-old British businessman Neil Heywood died in China. Gu Kailai, wife of provincial Communist Party official Bo Xilai, reportedly confessed to Heywood’s murder: According to Mr Wang, Mr Heywood, a fixer with decades of experience in China and a family friend […]

I Had Never Really Felt Any Need to Learn to Speak Japanese — Until Now

Maetenloch at AOSHQ posted this video, and suddenly I had a reason — no, wait, make that two reasons — to take an interest: In unrelated news from the Pacific Rim: You know that stereotype about Chinese being lousy drivers? Totally false.

Public Radio Liar: ‘I Wanted to Tell a Story That Captured the Totality of My Trip’

The quote is from Mike Daisey, who went to China and came back telling lies about conditions in Apple’s factories there: It’s Daisey’s story about visiting a Foxconn factory in China where Apple manufactures iPhones and other products. With the help of a Chinese translator, Daisey finds underage workers, poisoned workers, maimed workers, and dismal […]

Unprecedented Uprising in Chinese Village Chases Out Communist Party

Malcolm Moore reports from Wukan, China: For the first time on record, the Chinese Communist party has lost all control, with the population of 20,000 in this southern fishing village now in open revolt. The last of Wukan’s dozen party officials fled on Monday after thousands of people blocked armed police from retaking the village, […]

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