The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

What Canadians Consider ‘Art’

This painting — a crude and childish cartoon that would not deserve praise if it had been done by an fifth-grader — was part of an “art” project in Toronto that was funded by Canadian taxpayers. M. Joseph Sheppard called attention to this project, a “lesbian haunted house” that was open to the public last […]

Canadian Muslim Arrested in Somalia After Reportedly Beheading His 4 Sons

Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugged had this story, citing the Blazing Cat Fur blog and, to be honest, my reaction was, “You’re kidding me.” Surely, this had to be some kind of right-wing Islamophobic urban legend spread by irresponsible Internet gossip-mongers. Because I constantly watch the news — my TV is tuned to MSNBC at […]

University of Toronto Education Professor Arrested on Child Pornography Charges

“Canadian education,” IYKWIMAITYD: Police have arrested a University of Toronto professor and member of Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne’s transition team on several charges, including making child pornography. Benjamin Levin, 61, was arrested Monday and charged with two counts of distributing child pornography and one count each of making child pornography, counselling to commit an indictable […]

She Blinded Me With Pseudo-Science

“Pretty Baby has been banned outright in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Saskatchewan. No less a moral arbiter than Rona Barrett solemnly advised her TV audience that the movie is ‘child pornography.’ Others have attacked its French director . . . as a combination of Humbert Humbert and Roman Polanski.” — Kristin McMurran, People […]

New Defense by #FreeKate Defender: ‘But It Would Be Perfectly Legal in Canada!’

She’s OK with jailbait sex in school toilet stalls, but @monwithmac just told US that it’s #TimeToGetRational ->… — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) May 30, 2013 Having previously discussed the role of Liberal Logic™ in justifying the actions of accused sex offender Kaitlyn Ashley Hunt, it’s time to expand a bit further on their […]

Teenage Girls on Trial in Canada for Running Prostitution Ring

You think kids are bad in America? In Ottawa, three teenage girls are accused of running a prostitution ring that victimized nine other girls, some as young as 13: The three Ottawa girls, two who were 15 and one who was 16 when they were arrested, have pleaded not guilty to a total of 74 […]

Muslims Now Using Lawfare to Threaten ‘Zionist’ Bloggers in Canada

“Zionist” is becoming a synonym for “Anyone Who Doesn’t Want to Liquidate Israel,” as Kathy Shaidle explains: As we’ve known for some time, Canadian Muslims have been putting together a lawfare case designed to silence my husband’s blog, BlazingCatFur. Now they’ve admitted this online at a Khomenist site, asking for donations to support The Man […]

Of Course, He’s Canadian

Police say that Canadian gay porn star Luka Magnotta murdered his Chinese lover, Lin Jun, dismembered the corpse and ate part of it, mailed parts of Lin’s body to Canada’s leading political parties, and posted video of his gruesome crime on the Internet. There is now an international manhunt for Magnotta, who is believed to have fled to — […]

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