The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘My Sister Is Pregnant and We Don’t Know Which of My Brothers is the Father’

The quoted sentence was spoken by a child on a school playground. Overheard by a teacher, this triggered an investigation that exposed a multigenerational horror story in rural Australia: Police raided the Colt family home in rural south-western New South Wales in July 2012 after a teacher alerted authorities to a conversation overheard in the […]

Australia Worries About Racial Tension After Six Men Gang-Rape Girl, 14

The failures of multiculturalism are a global problem: Community leaders have warned of possible reprisal attacks by Blacktown’s Pacific Islander community targeting young African-Australian men in the wake of the gang-rape attack on a 14-year-old Islander girl. . . . Blacktown Uniting Church Reverend Liva Tukutama said it was vital he and other Pacific Islander […]

Their Propaganda, and Ours

Michael Moynihan has a splendid piece at the Daily Beast: In the bad old days of the Cold War, those Americans sympathetic to Moscow could purchase clumsy Kremlin propaganda at various radical bookstores, stocked with glossy magazines and turgid tracts about collective farms and Stakhanovite iron output. . . . But the spread of capitalist […]

Prime Minister’s Good-Looking Daughters Become Australian Campaign Issue

Tony Abbott is the Liberal Party leader, but everything’s upside-down in Australia, so actually he is the conservative (“classic liberal,” i.e., free market) and his victory over the Labour Party was attributed both to his own disciplined campaign and the internal divisions that have riven Labour. Three years ago, Labour leader Kevin Rudd was ousted […]

Neutral Objective Incompetence: How Ginger Gorham Aided Pedophile Network

“I felt no sense anything was wrong. For all intents and purposes this appeared to be a loving family and a loving household, and I’ve gone over and over about it in my brain and I did not feel anything was wrong. … I’m profoundly shocked and disgusted by what’s happened. Since then, I just […]

Australia’s ‘Buxom Bandit’ Busted

Charged with possession of dangerous weapons: After five days at large, Tonee Walker faced Southport Magistrates Court yesterday charged with armed robbery and stealing. The 22-year-old blonde had been wanted for the hold-up of an Arundel service station early last Monday morning. Her low-cut top, exposing an ample bosom, saw her dubbed the “buxom bandit.” […]

From Twitchy: Best. Sex. Scandal. Evah!

Folks, I am seriously enjoying Twitchy, the new Twitter-based news site that Michelle Malkin has created. But they need to work on their headlines, because this one is waaaay too understated: PM Belden Namah accused in casino sex scandal, gambling Back in the day, I’d have demanded a re-write from the copy desk, because this […]

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