The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Smell Of Voter Fraud In The Making: Recalls The Settling Pond In Kandahar

by Smitty For those who have not had the pleasure of a visit to Kandahar, it’s like some Mad Max setting, with 115° heat, dust everywhere, and an afternoon chife that hits the nose with the subtlety of a hurled cinder block. Oh, and the rocket alerts, directing you to get into the shelters that […]

The Afghanistan War Was A Total Success

by Smitty Insty points to HotAir on the Afghanistan Surge being mishandled. This argument operates under a misapprehension that any of Obama’s Afghanistan policy was ever serious in the first place. Obama campaigned in 2008 on the notion that the unpopular Iraq war was a distraction: Democrat Obama declared that the failed policy in Iraq […]

God Rest The Souls Of The Dead Service Members In Afghanistan

by Smitty What a debacle: The U.S. commander of coalition forces in Afghanistan pulled scores of advisers from Afghan ministries after two high-ranking American military officers were gunned down Saturday at the nation’s Interior Ministry headquarters. U.S. Marine Gen. John Allen ordered the unprecedented move after an American colonel and major were both found shot […]

Sarah Palin Placing The Value Of Human Life Above A Book?

by Smitty Via Marooned in Marin, we have Sarah Palin, on FaceBook, pointing out that the Afghan Army can apologize for the death of two Americans: Obama apologizes for the inadvertent Koran burning this week; now the U.S. trained and protected Afghan Army can apologize for killing two of our soldiers yesterday. Gosh, Sarah, does […]

USMC: B(l)ad And Bladder

by Smitty There isn’t any way to defend the action of the Marines urinating on Taliban corpses. It was all over the NBC news last night. But step back and question the timing: In what context did this occur? The trial will be interesting, as we may discover that, while not justified, there were motives. […]

Afghanistan/Pakistan Points So Glaringly Obvious, They Got Zero Mention During The GOP Foreign Policy Debate

by Smitty The GOP foreign policy debate was generally good. While disagreeing with Ron Paul’s non-interventionist approach, even he brings a valid viewpoint to the discussion. I’ll summarize it thusly: “No matter what we do overseas, we do a crappy job of reconciling our policy with our Constitution and purported Founding ideals.” Yet Paul, as […]

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO Reveals U.S. Navy’s Secret Weapon in War Against Taliban

Yes, we’re talking about our hero, Admiral Smitty, who returned yesterday from Afghanistan and shared the stirring tale of his conquest of the Taliban Navy. You may be saying to yourself, “Wait a minute — the Taliban don’t have a navy!” Not any more, they don’t, because FOBbit Smitty and his top-secret Navy task force […]

Like Peaches & Herb

Smitty and I were re-united today at Baltimore-Washington International Airport when our hero returned from Afghanistan to buy me a beer. Well, he returned for other reasons, but buying me a beer was at the top of the to-do list. Of course, there were others there to greet the Conquerer of the Afghan Seas. Itty-Bitty […]

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