The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Few Mega-Joules Readily Arbitraged

by Smitty This week’s FMJRA salutes the Stupakian Bargain of BHO’s drilling policy. The energy output of the hydrocarbons could be measured in MJ, hence the title. POTUS: no one takes you seriously unless you’re seriously taking money. You just keep on pluckin’ that Presidential poultry, and we’ll keep on working to restore the country. […]

Fortune Minister to Jerusalem, Regardless of America

by Smitty It would have been equally bad for the President to have treated Abbas as he did Netanyahu. Irrespective of how inverted the treatment of Honduras, Britain, Iran, &c, each new bit of creepiness and slipshod statesmanship brings fresh outrage. Instapundit offered some counter-arguments, which mitigate some concern, but not much. Let those of […]

Flaming Massa Japes Redefine Absurdity

by Smitty This week’s FMJRA salutes Rep. ‘Burnout Over Fade Away’ Massa, who went from obscurity to celebrity to ignobility with stunning brevity.

Fumbling Majority Jerks Recklessly, Arhythmically

by Smitty Two months into the second quarter of the Worst Administration Ever, coupled with The Congress That Shall Live in Infamy, and atrocious ideas continue to shamble forward, zombielike. I’m moving toward the suspicion that the left knows that ObamaCare is pure fail, and that their goal is to make the death of ObamaCare […]

Frantic Medical Jujitsu Reinforces Asshattery

by Smitty This week’s FMJRA salutes the healthcare summit. One could call BHO’s efforts Quixotic, except that Don Quixote was sort of a good guy, and doesn’t deserve the abuse. We still have some FMJRA echos from CPAC to cover, so, without further distraction…

From the Mariott, Joyousness Resounds Anew

by Smitty This week’s FMJRA comes from the fabulous Mariott Wardman Park in DC. The Valley of the Shadow has a great CPAC roundup post of our coverage.

Fortune Musters J’Accuse, Re-ignites Al’s Trousers

by Smitty This week’s FMJRA salutes Real Men of Bear Pig. “Real Men of Bear Pig…” Trading up the the authority of my old job, plus sympathy from dupes over a setback in 2000, for a couple of awards and a lucrative perpetual guilt machine that blew up in your face in the last 90 […]

Flakes Mandate Journalist Repair to Alabama

by Smitty Update: the links internal to The Other McCain have quit working.  I blame a recent server upgrade.  I’ll change the PostID values to Permalinks when I get a chance.  Thanks to Political Byline for keeping me straight. This week’s misleading FMJRA title is a fun poke at RSM, who, if I may, serendoofusly* […]

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