Fratricide Mastery Jolts Resting Agriculture
by Smitty The Sherrod story either belies the whole notion that the Administration has its act together, or these Progressive overlords are so many moves ahead of the observers as to be playing chess, when we think the game is checkers. This week’s FMJRA lets the chips fall on the former theory.
Fail Mosque Jokers Really Annoy
by Smitty This week’s FMJRA offers Scalia body language to New York City Minor Bloomberg, who loses the respect of the title ‘Mayor’ from this blog, due to a pattern of invertebrate cretinous behavior. To Brussels with your dhimmitude, Bloomberg. Over in the comments on the Geller post, Kn@ppster makes a straight libertarian play on […]
Friday’s Marriage Jubilee: RSM’s Aging
by Smitty FMJRA celebrates Stacy McCain’s first marriage event as a parent, quite a corner to turn in the life of a man. Will grandparental possibilities threaten to curb the gonzo flame? Could even the dread specter of respectability begin to haunt him? Just dunno, but, for my two years of observation, I doubt it.
Fitting Military Jeremiad Refreshingly Accurate
by Smitty Captain Hegseth, via Daley Gator, cuts through the fog of Postmodernism besetting Americans supporting reform: The good Captain concisely and more clearly states what I tried to communicate in various posts: start with the Constitution and move to the nominee. Do not merely assert, through some Congressional deference, that anyone this particular POTUS […]
Finding Military/Journalist Relations Aggravating
by Smitty It was refreshing to see the President come to a decision that Americans could comprehend. That comprehension required reference to the principles inherent in the Constitution, which document is normally afforded the affection one might offer to a urinal cake by this Congress and Administration.
Flailing Might Just Recover Additional Oil
by Smitty This week’s FMJRA salutes The One, who seems to do everything except that which would help the situation. It doesn’t really matter whether the motives are simple incompetence or something more diabolical. The recovery will be political chemotherapy for us all.
Flight Made (Grand) Junction Re-direct Adroitly
by Smitty Catching up on the usual chores. I’m in Idaho, visiting family, having been delayed due to Heap Big Winds around Denver. United Airlines did a fine job of managing safety and timeliness. We can all gripe about being herded about, but being alive to do the griping is the main feature.
Four Megahits of Joy Reliably Anticipated
by Smitty This weeks FMJRA notes that we will cross the four million hit mark either this weekend, or soon into next week. Woo hoo. It is also a blantant suck-up to Little Miss Attila, from whom we reliably anticipate further outbursts of greatness Real Soon Now. Will Folks Tacky Willy, as opposed to The […]
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