The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ferocious Marine: Journeying Respectfully to Appalachia

by Smitty I need to get on the road within the hour to make Lewisburg, West Virginia by noon. If fortune smiles, I’ll produce a daily series of brief clips of a fellow who is the Genuine Article telling a story for the ages. Last Sunday, I met one of his daughters at the 9/12 […]

Fulminating, Malevolent Jackalope Revenge Arrangements

by Smitty The FMJRA salutes with a thumb pointed downward the terrorists of the world, great and small, who do everything from park planes in buildings to training suicide deer to attack automobiles, to mooching canolli at airports, to pondering commission of odious acts like burning scriptures. Some may say the preceding ‘graph is a […]

Flying Miles Journeyed Render Awesomeness

by Smitty Nothing like the joy of answering the critics in a positive way, like Stacy scoring an exclusive with Todd Palin during the recent Alaska trip. Tip jar hitters are welcome to bask in the glow. If this blog’s tip jar excites you not, *sniff*, then do consider this week’s Ten Buck Fridays winner, […]

Fantastic: Murkowski Judas-ery Roils Alaska

by Smitty This week’s FMJRA is in awe of Lisa Murkowsk’s commitment to career over service. FMJRA has obtained a slightly technical document from WikiIncontinence describing what looks to be her overall plan for victory in the primary and Alaska Senate race: Murkowski’s Inequality. We don’t fully understand it, either, and will rely upon our […]

Feisal’s Mental Jiu-jitsu Revealing Animus

by Smitty This week’s FMJRA shouts out to all those who are unmoved by the Ground Zero Mosque mastermind, Feisal. Sometimes, even sincere gifts just don’t pass muster, though I’d not accuse Feisal of sincerity. Don’t call the US, dude: We The People will call you. Not real soon, though. Also, Right Klik points to […]

Figures: Muslim-ophile Jovially Riles America

by Smitty Rather than fulminate too greatly, though, consider: this is the Age of Alinsky. The choice of irritating the American people over the Ground Zero Mosque probably has as much to do with controlling the topic of conversation as it does sucking up to fellow travellers.

Foppish Munch-head’s Jacked-up Ruling: Annoying

by Smitty Sure, I’ve never paid that much attention to the judiciary, figuring that, well, they’re probably more erudite than I. Other than rejecting the DoJ’s motion to dismiss in the VA ObamaCare suit, the headline-making actions of our nation’s judges raise the question of whether a judge can be impeached upon the basis of […]

Founders Mocked: Judge Reams Arizona

by Smitty FMJRA lowers its gesture to Judge Bolton and the 9th Circuit long enough to type up a post. As if Americans paying attention had any doubt that Liberty is threatened by a Ruling Class, and That Ruling Class will say all manner of things in the Progressive Inverted Tongue (PIT) to retain its […]

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