The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Some Stereotypes Are True

Somebody on Twitter started the hashtag #NoHymenNoDiamond which was either (a) an extreme argument for premarital abstinence, or (b) another brilliant 4chan satire to troll feminists. It doesn’t matter which it was, because it brought out the feminist crazies, including one who wanted to lecture the world about misogyny and heteronormativity, and another who declared, […]

Social Justice, Matt Damon and the Hollywood Fantasy of Prostitution

Am I the only one who remembers what Hollywood did to Tom Clancy’s The Sum of All Fears? Clancy wrote a 1991 Cold War thriller that portrayed a terrorist collaboration between an East German nuclear physicist and Palestinian radicals. However, by the time it emerged as a movie in 2002, the cinematic arbiters of political […]

Why Do Feminists Hate Sex Robots?

Professor Kathleen Richardson wants to ban sex robots. In the zero-sum-game worldview of feminism, anything that makes men happy is bad. Kathleen Richardson, a professor at De Montfort University in England, is afraid that having sex with robots will make men happy: “Sex robots seem to be a growing focus in the robotics industry and […]

Objectified by the Male Gaze
UPDATE: Allegedly Heterosexual?

By now, the entire Internet knows Charlotte Proudman (@CRProudman) hates heterosexual men: I find your message offensive. I am on [LinkedIn] for business purposes not to be approached about my physical appearance or to be objectified by sexist men. The eroticisation of women’s physical appearance is a way of exercising power over women. It silences women’s […]

Lesbian ‘Comedian’ Wants You Guys to Know Women Are ‘Not Incubators’

“Feminist humor” is one of those terms describing a hypothetical category, like “honest Democrat.” Anyway . . . Cameron Esposito (born 1981) is an American comedian best known for her stand-up comedy, which often focuses on LGBTQ+ topics and references aspects of her lesbian identity. Originally from Chicago, Esposito now resides in Los Angeles with […]

Feminism as Sadistic Revenge Fantasy

“Radical feminism, by definition, seeks to dis-cover and examine the root of women’s global oppression by men, and the sources of male power.” — “Radfem 101: A Radical Feminist Primer” What is seldom noted in discussions of feminism is the extent to which the movement’s ideology represents a calculated appeal to the resentments of psychological […]

‘A License to Lie’

Hans Bader says the federal Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) “is gradually turning Title IX into a license to lie about sexual harassment and assault”: Courts have ruled that dishonest people who bring sexual harassment charges over conduct they falsely claim was unwelcome can be fired, in cases such as Vasconcelos v. […]

‘Feminist Motherhood Has Failed’

Only a feminist could describe pregnancy as “a woman growing the parasitic entity of a fetus in her,” and there is no limit to a radical lesbian feminist blogger’s absolute hatred of motherhood: Motherhood is at the heart of patriarchy. Patriarchy, the rule of the fathers, is impossible without mothers who make them fathers in […]

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