The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Rape Culture’ as Stalinism: Propaganda Tactics by ‘Hunting Ground’ Makers

Erica Kinsman is featured in The Hunting Ground. “All these people were praising him; they were calling me a slut, a whore. . . .I kind of just want to know, like, why me?” — Erica Kinsman Even while the new movie Trumbo engages in a whitewash of a notorious Communist, dishonest Stalin-era Soviet propaganda […]

Your Heterosexual Feminism Is Wrong

  Miriam Mogilevsky (@sondosia on Twitter) describes herself as “queer, gay, femme, and homoflexible . . . a lesbian with exceptions,” furthermore explaining: “I’m on the asexual spectrum somewhere . . . I don’t experience primary sexual attraction.” Also, she is into polyamory, “which means that I’m open to multiple committed and loving relationships, but […]

Hurt Feelings = Oppression?

In her perpetual hunt for victimhood, Jessica Valenti devotes an entire column to a “perhaps more insidious” form of discrimination, “everyday slights women can’t tangibly attribute to sexism”: These subtler forms of sexism that women face can be even more difficult to handle than explicit discrimination. If your pay is unfair or a boss makes […]

College Campus Cop Tells the Truth About ‘Rape Culture’ and Gets Fired

Saying Things No One Is Allowed to Say in 2015: The campus police chief has been fired at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, in Georgia, after he was quoted in the student newspaper as saying that most sexual assaults are not rape but “women waking up the next morning with a guilt complex.” The chief, Bryan […]

Queer Vegan Witch Accuses Radical Feminists of ‘Anti-Trans Violence’

David Salisbury (@davidsalisbury) describes himself as “a queer, vegan, Witch . . . chief of the DC Bureau of the Pagan Newswire Collective . . . High Priest of Coven of the Spiral Moon . . . involved with street activism with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and . . . a full […]

Is Ellie Clougherty a Liar?

Joe Lonsdale and Ellie Clougherty in 2012. It seemed like a perfect romance — a young high-tech entrepreneur and the former fashion model who met through a mentorship program at elite Stanford University. But after they broke up, the stunning beauty claimed she had been raped and abused by Joe Lonsdale. He was banned from […]

Feminism: How a Privileged Elite Can Claim Permanent Victimhood

To disagree with Jaclyn Friedman is to “trivialize” rape. “Enthusiastic consent is about making sure those rapes that apologists want to trivialize (which: almost all of them) are taken seriously.” — Jaclyn Friedman, 2011 No matter how rich her parents are, no matter what the tuition was at her prestigious private prep school or how […]

She Is 23 and ‘So F–king Exhausted’

Feminist Tumblr is about many things, but in general it’s about young women who hate the whole world and everyone in it. Marina is an “intersectional feminist and a human rights advocate” who hates the whole world because everybody is sexist and she recounts the various hassles she must endure before she finally blows up […]

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