The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Value of Motherhood

  Charles Murray (@charlesmurray on Twitter) co-authored with the late Richard Herrnstein one of the most controversial books of the 20th century, The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (1994). When it was first published, the harsh criticism from liberals — who claimed the book was practically neo-Nazi propaganda — led me to […]

‘Intense and Overwhelming Narcissism’

Feminists coined the term “Peak Trans Moment” to describe the point at which they became disgusted with transgender ideology. One woman who related her experiences complained that transgender activists “expect to co-opt feminist time and attention away from their own issues to trans issues, and they expect it as their right.” Why aren’t transgender activists […]

The ‘Brilliant’ Fool McGeorge Bundy

  Just yesterday, in describing the decadence of the Ivy League elite, I casually mentioned McGeorge Bundy, a Yale-educated policy “expert” in the JFK/LBJ administrations who played a prominent role in creating the Vietnam War debacle: A descendant of the Boston Lowells on his mother’s side, a product of Groton, Yale and Skull and Bones, […]

The Feminist-Industrial Complex: Lesbians ‘Learning How to Scream’

  More than 40,000 students are enrolled at Concordia University in Quebec, one of Canada’s largest universities and home to the Simone de Beauvoir Institute, named for the author of The Second Sex (and Jean Paul Sartre’s lover). The institute employs four full-time professors, 10 part-time professors, two visiting professors and 25 research associates. The […]

The Feminist-Industrial Complex: Guilt and Queer Theory in Wisconsin

“The excitement around [Jessica] Valenti’s visit ignited activism among Women’s Studies Program faculty and students. . . . The students enrolled in WMNS 250: Feminist Methodologies felt inspired to join the national and international viral movement called ‘I Need Feminism Because’ . . . University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire feminists felt that Valenti’s visit was a […]

You’re Too ‘Empowered,’ Darling

Amanda Leigh is a funny writer, who writes about dating, and is capable of clever sentences like, “If you can’t tell whether he’s gay or straight, he’s gay,” and “Finding a tall employed man with values in Los Angeles is like finding a unicorn.” But her dating life is actually a failure, as is the […]

Quota-Mongers, Gender Nihilism and the Insane Logic of Radical Feminist Theory

  Ashe Schow at the Washington Examiner reports: For further evidence that outrage feminists believe gender trumps all else, a new report from the Women’s Media Center bemoans the fact that more articles about campus sexual assault in major newspapers were written by men than by women. Forget the content of those articles — women […]

Fear and Loathing: An Oberlin Feminist on Men, Republicans and Heterosexuality

“I hope men realize that we (women) actually fear for our safety every time we walk by you on the street.” — Kaela Elias, Aug. 4 “when i was younger, i thought i was straight because society makes you think that. it’s sad.” — Kaela Elias, Aug. 9 “. . . luckily i have parents […]

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