The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Pump-and-Dump Feminist

  Reina Gattuso (@reinagattuso on Twitter) is a Harvard-educated feminist and a compelling argument for why men should be warned to avoid Harvard-educated feminists. If it were up to me, heterosexuality would be strictly prohibited at Harvard University for the very reason that no man should ever have sex with the kind of women who […]

‘The Weaker Goes to the Wall’

Just ordered from Amazon another $98 worth of feminist books, including Rape: The Power of Consciousness by Susan Griffin (1979) and Undoing Gender by Judith Butler (2004). As I continued my research for the second edition of Sex Trouble: Radical Feminism and the War Against Human Nature this morning, I was reminded of something an early critic […]

More Feminist Fear and Loathing

Do you remember @RebeccaWatson? In case you’ve forgotten, she was the total smokin’ hotness of atheist chickdom whose encounter with a nerd in an elevator became a feminist cause célèbre in 2011: “Stop sexualizing me!” I’d forgotten all about her until today, while mining for insanity on Feminist Tumblr, I saw a quote (tagged #rape […]

Drunk Sex Is Rape? Barnard College Promotes Alcohol-Related Accusations

  “Alcohol [does not equal] Consent” — flyers bearing this bold headline have been posted in dormitories at Barnard College, according to Toni Airaksinen, a student at the elite all-women’s sister school of Columbia University. The flyers paraphrase a policy issued last year by Barnard’s Department of Public Safety, which states (p. 35): The use of alcohol […]

Feminist Tumblr: Having Babies Is ‘One of the Most Selfish Things’ People Can Do

Deep thoughts from a bisexual radical feminist in the Midwest: I’ve believed for a long time that purposely choosing to have biological children is one of the most selfish things a person could ever do. It IS selfish to create another human because you want it. It’s also foolish when parents convince themselves that they’re […]

What Women’s Studies Teaches

Toni Airaksinen (@Toni_Airaksinen on Twitter) attends elite Barnard College, but she is on scholarship and comes from a blue-collar Midwestern background, which probably accounts for both her common sense and extraordinary courage: As a student at Barnard College, one of the few women’s colleges in America, identifying as a feminist is de rigueur. Just like […]

Courtesy Is Now ‘Rape Culture’

In an astounding leap of feminist logic, Berkeley law student Courtney Fraser condemns chivalry as “benevolent sexism,” blaming “sexual violence against women” on “the perpetuation of rape culture, which normalizes this violence.” Of course, “the age of chivalry is gone,” as Edmund Burke observed in 1790, but feminists are fiercely determined to eradicate whatever vestiges […]

More Tumblr Feminism

The logic of totalitarian hatred is impeccable: Psst: men will never support actual feminism because actual feminism is about female liberation from males. Think critically about it. Why would the dominant class want to help those they’ve built an entire society around the domination of? They wouldn’t. The only feminism that men support is the ~libfem~ […]

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