The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

A Theory of Sex (and Feminism)

  Friday’s post about feminist Ruby Hamad included a quote by Professor Sheila Jeffreys, asserting that heterosexuality is “a political institution through which male dominance is organised and maintained.” This prompted the commenter Joe Joe to remark: Does Jeffreys understand that all sexual relationships have some element of power relations? Butch/femme pairings are not accidental. […]

Totalitarian Hatemonger @RubyHamad Wonders Why Men Won’t Listen to Her

Being constantly insulted by feminists — “Heterosexuality Is the Structure That Keeps Sexist Oppression in Place” — is something men are expected never to notice. Any man who objects to feminism’s anti-male hate propaganda will be instantly branded a misogynist. This is “Kafkatrapping,” whereby the denial of guilt is cited as proof of guilt. No […]

What Did Jack Montague Do?

  A week ago — March 4 — I wrote this simple headline: Is Jack Montague a Rapist? There is still no answer to that question, although the New York Times published a story Wednesday about the expulsion of the Yale University basketball team’s senior captain. Citing “two people with direct knowledge of the case […]

‘The Enslavement of Women’

“Sex is compulsory in marriage. . . . It is clear that the compulsory nature of sex in marriage operates to the advantage of the male. . . . The enslavement of women in marriage is all the more cruel and inhumane by virtue of the fact that it appears to exist with the consent […]

#IWD2016 Feminism as Sexual Stalinism

Bogged down writing a long article, I took a break to read a bit of Sheila Jeffreys’ 1990 book Anticlimax: A Feminist Perspective on the Sexual Revolution. Here are a few sentences from her conclusion (pp. 312-316): The demolition of heterosexual desire is a necessary step on the route to women’s liberation. . . . […]

‘Extremely Rare False Rape Accusations’

  Marc Patrick O’Leary is a serial rapist, a sexual predator who in 2011 was sentenced to more than 300 years in prison. He was convicted of four rapes in Colorado and two in Washington State. O’Leary’s modus operandi involved systematic surveillance of his targets, usually breaking into homes or apartments through unlocked sliding-glass doors […]

‘Heterosexuality Is the Structure That Keeps Sexist Oppression in Place’

  “According to feminism the role of heterosexuality is what structures the male-female relationship. Heterosexuality is the structure that keeps sexist oppression in place in the private realm; where sexism in general operates to also oppress in the public sphere. In other words heterosexuality reinforces the hierarchy established by sexism to keep women dominated in […]

Is Jack Montague a Rapist?

  The senior captain of Yale University’s basketball team, Jack Montague was averaging 9.7 points per game before he left school last month for reasons that were not explained at the time. Yale Daily News reports: Two days after signs calling on the Yale men’s basketball team to “stop supporting a rapist” first appeared on […]

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