The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Are Women Paid Less? Try This: Supply, Demand, Some Assembly Required

Good news! “Progress” is “stalling”: Women’s median annual earnings stubbornly remain about 20 percent below men’s. Why is progress stalling? It may come down to this troubling reality, new research suggests: Work done by women simply isn’t valued as highly. . . . A new study from researchers at Cornell University found that the difference […]

Feminist Tumblr: ‘Broken People’ and the Tragedy of the Darwinian Dead End

Sometimes I’ll write about a feminist and a commenter will remark what happy news it is that this hateful creature will not reproduce. Alas, as a parent and a Christian, I feel tremendous sadness at such outcomes, for I know that every time some foolish young woman climbs aboard the express train to Crazy Cat […]

You Are Your Own Problem

To follow up on the Tumblr feminist whose examination of OKCupid caused her to “reach the unfortunate conclusion that almost every man in this world is completely intellectually and spiritually void,” let me reiterate this: People are responsible for their relationships. We do not live in a medieval society where the scions of dynasties are […]

Feminist Tumblr Syndrome Strikes Again

The uncorrected entirety of a Feminist Tumblr post: you don’t have to look any further than the population of okcupid or any dating site to reach the unfortunate conclusion that almost every man in this world is completely intellectually and spiritually void. it’s downright eerie to see personalities repeat themselves from one profile to the […]

A Fascinating Video: How Academic Feminists Persecute Their Opponents

Janice Fiamengo explains it all. Those who have followed the Sex Trouble series may recall that I have disavowed being a Men’s Rights Activist (MRA) which, of course, hasn’t kept feminists from describing me as such. (SJWs Always Lie.) My research is about exposing what feminists actually believe — the esoteric doctrine of their cult, […]

‘A Hostile Male Element’

“I don’t mind guys being here, but I feel a hostile male element that I don’t like, and that’s making me agitated.” — Jill Johnston, 1975 One of the problems with trying to discuss feminism in the 21st century is that so few people understand the history of the movement. The insipid superficiality of contemporary […]

Heterosexuality Is Now a Crime at Yale: The Persecution of Jack Montague

  After the senior captain of Yale University’s basketball team was quietly expelled last month, I asked: “Is Jack Montague a Rapist?” And when the university refused to specify the nature of the “sexual misconduct” charge, I asked last week: “What Did Jack Montague Do?” The systematic denial of due-process rights in university disciplinary proceedings, […]

Feminism Hates Boys

A mother notices what should be obvious to everyone: Unfortunately, in its earnest quest for female empowerment, America . . . is quietly and methodically marginalizing boys. Read the whole thing. Mothers of sons consider this unfortunate, but feminists like Amanda Marcotte, Jaclyn Friedman, Jessica Valenti and Alexandra Brodsky are enthusiastically in favor of marginalizing […]

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