The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Four Legs Good! Two Legs Bad!’

  “Some animals are more equal than others,” as everyone learns at the end of Animal Farm, but what would George Orwell say about this? A lecturers’ union [in England] is refusing to let its officers take part in debates at an equality summit if they are white, straight, able-bodied men. The equality conference of […]

‘Anatomy of Rage’: @mstiefvater and the Feminist Injustice Collector Phenomenon

Maggie Stiefvater (@mstiefvater on Twitter) is a successful novelist, married with two kids, living in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. In April 2015, she posted a Tumblr essay, “The Anatomy of Rage,” that begins with an incident in which a mechanic uses the phrase “little girl” while telling her husband that he’s going to fix […]

‘The Wounded Antelope of the Herd’

Her blood-alcohol content was three times the legal driving limit, except she wasn’t driving. She had attended a fraternity party: I had nothing better to do, so why not, there’s a dumb party ten minutes from my house, I would go, dance like a fool, and embarrass my younger sister. On the way there, I […]

Is There Hope for Feminists?

  Why does God permit boastful fornicators to prosper? Why doesn’t the Lord visit swift destruction upon the wicked and godless? My friend Pete Da Tech Guy is a devout Catholic who thinks we should pray for God to save feminists from their satanic folly, but I have difficulty imagining that someone as far gone […]

‘The Personal Is Political’: Feminism and the Problem With Keeping Score

  One of the basic problems with feminism is that, by making equality the measure of human happiness, the feminist purchases an infinite supply of resentment. If you convince yourself that everything in the world should be divvied up equally, and that any observable instance of inequality is proof of oppression — social injustice! — […]

Stereotypes Are Accurate (and Feminists at DePaul Are Man-Hating Witches)

Kate Hardiman reports at the College Fix: A Rutgers University social science professor set out to research how stereotypes are inaccurate so he could proclaim and promote that to the world with hard scientific data — but eventually made a startling discovery: most stereotypes are accurate. Scholarly claims of “stereotype inaccuracy” are baseless, Dr. Lee […]

The Deliberate Ugliness of Feminism

  Working on a longer piece today, so to get something up quickly, let’s talk a bit about the phenomenon of aposematism in nature: The function of aposematism is to prevent attack, by warning potential predators that the prey animal has defences such as being unpalatable or poisonous. The easily detected warning is a primary […]

‘An Alphabet Squad of Weird Genders’

Last week, I posted “More Feminists, More Gender Theory,” about the radical feminist Rachel Ivey’s video declaration: “Gender is a hierarchical system which maintains the subordination of females as a class to males through force.” In the comments, Fail Burton remarked: The reason gay feminists push comics like Lumberjanes is because they don’t produce children […]

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