The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Because Feminists Know Everything

  “Who is Elleke Boehmer?” That question crossed my mind while I was reading another one of those “masculinity in crisis” essays that are nowadays a dime a dozen (see “The Myth of the Masculinity Crisis,” May 9). This tsunami of hand-wringing about the plight of men has emerged from academic feminism in recent years […]

‘By Any Means Necessary’

The radical left hates the First Amendment and loves violence: At least five people were stabbed in a statehouse skirmish [Sunday in Sacramento] between members of the white-nationalist Traditionalist Workers Party (TWP) and “anti-fascist” activists from a group called By Any Means Necessary (BAMN). The white-power group had gotten a permit and was demonstrating in front of the California […]

Feminists Win as Australian Man Pleads Guilty in Facebook Harassment Case

  Zane Alchin, 25, may go to prison for making rape jokes on Facebook. The Australian man pleaded guilty Monday to “using a carrier service to menace, harass, or cause offence” in a case that began with a hiphop lyric. It started last August when a 23-year-old Sydney woman, Olivia Melville, signed up for the […]

The Failed Heterosexual

“Difficult.” That word came to mind today while I was reading a woman’s account of how, at age 30, she suddenly decided she’s a lesbian. Before quoting any of her story, let me say that there is a phrase popularized by the pickup artist (PUA) community,”hit the wall.” This term describes the point in a […]

The World Has Gone Mad

  The site is an interesting platform, which I have not previously used, but this topic seemed appropriate for a first effort: The rise of transgender mania — for which Bruce “Caitlin” Jenner is the celebrity poster boy/girl — can best be understood as a belated consequence of culture shifts that occurred 40 or […]

More Feminist Tumblr Stupidity

Here is a classic in the annals of bad logic: I’ve never met a self-identified men’s rights activist in real life and I’m guessing that’s due to any combination of the following reasons: 1. They realize that their passionate crusade against a fictitious version of feminism doesn’t hold up outside of their Reddit/4chan/meme troll internet […]

God and Man at #Skepticon: Atheist @RichardCCarrier Gets Banned

Richard Carrier mocks Christianity at Skepticon 2011. “I am a feminist because feminism is simply the belief that women should be treated as fairly as men, and there is no factual or rational reason to want the world to work any other way.” — Richard Carrier, 2012 “The accusations specifically against Richard Carrier are, sadly, […]

Why Is Heather So Angry?

Today, I’ve been researching an update on Zinnia Jones, and you may recall that Zinnia is married to Heather McNamara. So while wading deep into the swamp of Zinnia’s YouTube channel — trust me, it’s crazy — I came across this video, in which Heather McNamara does a “guest column” about pro-sex feminism: At about […]

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