The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Update From The Patriarchy™

The Patriarchy™ had a busy day, as today was grandson Alexander’s first birthday, which he spent with me. My daughter-in-law is back in college pursuing her nursing degree, and now her oldest boy (James, who will soon turn 3) is old enough for the preschool program at the college, so it’s just me and Alexander […]

Occidental Professor @LisaWade: Heterosexual Men Are Predators

“Heterosexuality in the U.S. is gendered: women are expected to attract, men are supposed to be attracted. Men want, women want to be wanted. Metaphorically, this is a predator/prey type relationship. . . . Accordingly, women know what it feels like to be prey.” — Professor Lisa Wade, 2014 No one has ever accused Professor […]

Herpes-Infected Feminist Ella Dawson Decides the 2016 Election Is About Her

“I’m disgusting. Maybe they were all right about me. Maybe I am a big old whore.” — Ella Dawson You remember Ella Dawson (@brosandprose on Twitter) as the girl who attended Wesleyan University (annual tuition $47,972) where she graduated in 2014 with a bachelor of arts in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and a herpes infection. It […]

Irony Much? Tranny @SmartAssJen Says Movies Lack ‘Extraordinary’ Women

  You have to wonder what psychological defect would inspire transgender activist Jen Richards to send out a tweet suggesting that “extraordinary” men are rare, while “extraordinary” women are everywhere. Given that Richards is not actually female, how does this appear — that is, to people who aren’t as reflexively anti-male as Richards, like the […]

The ‘Campus Rape Epidemic’ Witch-Hunt

  Ashe Schow reports at the Washington Examiner: The number of lawsuits filed by students accused of campus sexual assault increased dramatically after the Education Department issued new guidance on how schools should tackle the issue. Further, the percentage of lawsuits filed by either party involved in an accusation shifted heavily toward the accused, according […]

Feminists Are Lying Hypocrites

The feminist SJWs (“social justice warriors”) who accused #GamerGate of harassment were engaged in harassment themselves: A group allegedly dedicated to stopping online harassment and abuse used the same tactics it claimed to abhor to harass those it disagreed with politically. Crash Override Network, founded by Zoe Quinn after she became well known for being […]

Star and Co-Writer of Slave Revolt Movie Were Accused of Raping Girl in College

Nate Parker (left) and Jean Celestin (right) were Penn State wrestling teammates. A much-praised new movie about an 1831 slave revolt, which had been considered a possible Oscar contender, is in trouble because of revelations that the film’s star and director was accused of raping an 18-year-old college student in 1999. Birth of a Nation […]

Behavior Matters: Why ‘Rape Culture’ Rhetoric Is Dangerous Hate Propaganda

  Feminist “rape culture” discourse “brands half the human race — males, and especially white males — as rapists or rape facilitators,” Wendy McElroy says in her new book, Rape Culture Hysteria: Fixing the Damage Done to Men and Women. By falsely claiming that there is a “campus rape epidemic” at U.S. colleges and universities, feminists […]

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