The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Clichés of Third-Wave Feminism

  Today I was working on a long piece about academic feminism while babysitting my youngest grandson, and during my grandson’s nap, I checked my file over at Medium — an innovative platform, by the way — and noticed a response to something I had written. Backstory: Woman tells her personal “rape culture” narrative, which involves […]

News Flash: Feminists Hate Men

  Sunday, I took notice of a controversy at Columbia University, where feminists tore down posters announcing a scheduled Nov. 1 speech by Christina Hoff Sommers. In researching this incident, I discovered that Columbia senior Roya Hegdahl had incited hatred against Dr. Sommers by labeling her a “rape culture denier.” Well, who is this person?   […]

‘Quem Deus Vult Perdere, Prius Dementat’

  Boston Latin School, founded in 1635, is the oldest public school in America. For more than three centuries, BLS was “a bastion for educating the sons of the Boston ‘Brahmin’ elite,” and this prestigious all-male school did not admit its first female student until 1972. Feminists are now determined to destroy Boston Latin School: […]

Welcome to 2016: ‘When the Insane Are Normal, the Normal Are Insane’

  In case you haven’t noticed, the world has gone crazy. We now live in some kind of alternative universe dreamed up by a science-fiction writer, and it’s comforting to know we’re not alone in feeling this way: Studies have produced little evidence that “gender reassignment” surgery yields mental health benefits for those who receive […]

Teaching Intolerance: How Columbia University Feminists Suppress Dissent

Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It, and nowhere is this more evident than in the youth indoctrination centers known as university campuses. The more elite the university, the more complete control is exercised by the totalitarians. Annual tuition at Columbia University is $55,056, and for that price, parents of […]

The Queering of Feminism at Vanderbilt

“Heterosexuality . . . is a highly unstable system, subject to various slippages, reliant upon carefully constructed individual performances of identity, and dependent upon the exclusion of homosexuality for its very identity. One could say that queer theory normalizes homosexuality by making heterosexuality deviant. Homosexuality ceases to be the exclusive site of sexual difference.” — […]

What Feminist ‘Success’ Looks Like: A Sexually Transmitted Disease Epidemic

  Third-Wave feminism’s rhetoric of sexual “empowerment,” and the feminist crusade against “slut-shaming,” have incited reckless promiscuity, the results of which could have been easily predicted: More cases of sexually transmitted diseases were reported last year than ever before, federal officials said Wednesday — just as state and local health departments that could help fight […]

What Happened to Lucia Perez?

“She had been subjected to brutal, inhumane sexual abuse. The girl was impaled and this was the cause of her death.” — Maria Isabel Sanchez, prosecutor This headline at Memeorandum caught my eye Wednesday: Argentina: hundreds of thousands of women set to protest against violence A brief summary from New York magazine: The so-called “women’s […]

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