The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Democrats Surrender to ‘Fear Itself’

  Republicans are celebrating Happy Fun Victory Week with such amusements as video of Democrats saying Donald Trump would never be president. Democrats, meanwhile, are surrendering to despair. Now that the election is over, liberals are just beginning to notice the extent of losses Democrats have suffered at the state level during the Obama Era: […]

Laci Green (@gogreen18) Is a Lying Atheist Democrat, But I Repeat Myself

  Laci Green is a pervert who likes talking to kids about sex. Basically, she’s a female Anthony Weiner, but because she calls herself a “sex educator,” some people don’t realize what a sick freak she is. Then on Tuesday night, she erupted in an obscenity-strewn meltdown: “We are now under total Republican rule. Textbook fascism. […]

Exit Polls: Hillary Clinton Defeated by Homophobic White Racist Patriarchy

  The online Left has spent the past 24 hours lashing itself into a frothing frenzy of Fear and Loathing such as I haven’t seen in years. You’d have to go back to the Bush/Gore 2000 Florida meltdown to find more rage, paranoia and partisan hatred than we’ve seen since it became apparent Tuesday night […]

$3,000,000: Federal Jury Punishes Rolling Stone for UVA Rape Hoax Story

Journalistic malpractice with “actual malice”: CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — A federal jury on Monday ordered Rolling Stone and one of its writers to pay $3 million in damages to a University of Virginia administrator over a discredited article two years ago about a supposed gang rape at the university. The jury in Charlottesville, Va., had already […]

Transgender Children: Toxic Moms and Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy

Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy is a pattern in which a parent “fabricates, exaggerates, or induces mental or physical health problems” in their child “usually to gain attention or sympathy from others.” Now, read this report from Julian Vigo at Feminist Current: [On Oct. 21], The Guardian reported that “a seven-year-old boy who was “living life […]

‘I Had Felt Out of Place Among Girls for Quite a Few Years at That Point’

You want to see something frightening? Here is a young woman who spent years living a “female-to-male” (FtM) transgender life, who began taking testosterone injections at 20, but over the past two years has “destransitioned.” She explains that she first encountered “FtM” propaganda (to call it what it actually is) on the Internet when she […]

‘If You Don’t Want to Swing with the Ape-Man, Baby, Stay Out of the Jungle’

How does sex happen? Really, it’s simple: Manhood is a matter of flesh and blood, not an intellectual abstraction, and fancy words about “a gender binary system” are a smokescreen intended to obscure the flesh-and-blood reality of human nature to which men and women must adjust if they are to have any hope of happiness […]

Bad Habits: Cocaine and Feminism

  If you have never tried cocaine, congratulate yourself on your wisdom. Maybe heroin is more addictive and dangerous than cocaine, but if you’ve ever known anyone who got hooked on the Bolivian Marching Powder, you know what a wicked drug it is. Here’s the really evil thing about it — cocaine makes you feel […]

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