More News About ‘Rape Culture’ That Feminists Won’t Notice, for Some Reason
Huddersfield is a town in northern England, about halfway between Leeds and Manchester. Authorities say at least five girls ages 12-18 in this Yorkshire community were systematically raped and prostituted over a span of several years by a gang of Pakistani immigrants: Thirty men have been charged with raping and trafficking five girls in […]
Poll Finds Most Young Women Do Not — Repeat, DO NOT — Identify as Feminists
Imagine their screeching fury: Feminist website Refinery29 got more than it bargained for when it teamed up with CBS to poll 842 women ages 18-35 about — among other things — feminism. When asked, “Do you consider yourself to be a feminist, or not?” over half (54 percent) of respondents said, “No.” Not only that, […]
Feminist Professor Denounces Belief That ‘Fathers Are Valuable Parents’
Males are worthless, according to feminist ideology, and thus government programs encouraging fathers to be involved with their children are bad: A feminist professor at California State University-Fresno recently published an article lamenting that federal programs to promote “responsible fatherhood” among vulnerable men in fact perpetuate “patriarchy,” “gender norms,” and “hegemonic masculinity.” The article, “‘Manning […]
‘Male Feminist’ Professor Michael Kimmel Accused of Sexual Harassment
Nothing is more predictable than a “male feminist” being a creep. Notice how the Chronicle of Higher Education buries the lead here: A sociologist at Stony Brook University who was slated to receive a national award this month for his career?long contributions to gender equality will delay accepting the award for six months, in […]
McCain’s Law of Feminism and the Memoir of Phyllis Chesler
One thing I’ve said is that are three kinds of feminism: Feminism that is wrong; Feminism that is crazy; and Feminism that is both wrong and crazy. This is McCain’s Law of Feminism. Unlike some other conservatives, e.g., Christina Hoff Sommers, I cede nothing to feminism in terms of its claims to have made “progress” […]
Fringe Extremist Hate-Monger @SarahJeong Hired by New York Times
Sarah Jeong is a Harvard Law School graduate who hates men, heterosexuality and white people, not necessarily in that order: The New York Times’ newest editorial hire has a history of racist tweets against white people. NYT announced on Wednesday that they hired Sarah Jeong to join their editorial board. Jeong previously wrote for […]
No, America, @JessicaValenti Doesn’t Want to Help Your Sons, She Hates Them
It is difficult to exaggerate the evil of Jessica Valenti. Her “feminism” is, on the one hand, mostly partisan cheerleading for Democrats and, on the other hand, an excuse for her own destructive anti-social tendencies. Her recent memoir, Sex Object, is a “vengeful diatribe against heterosexual men,” including her own husband, Andrew Golis. “Every […]
Bad Luck or Bad Judgment?
That tweet by Hannah Williams “went viral” and generated criticism that, predictably, Ms. Williams cited as proof of how bad men are: What is it about women sharing their actual life experiences that leads men to think they can ‘disagree’? I didn’t pluck those categories out my own ass. They are based on years […]
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