The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Anti-Semitism Ruins Everything

One of the weird effects of the recent election is how the Left has tried to taint Donald Trump’s supporters as anti-Semites when, during the presidency of George W. Bush, the Left deliberately exploited anti-Semitism by portraying Republicans as beholden to “neoconservatives” (nudge, nudge) and “international bankers” (wink, wink). Because most accusations of “anti-Semitism” are […]

Bitches and Hoes and Feminism

Mac Miller performs in a 2011 hiphop video. What’s the worst thing about feminism? The hypocrisy, perhaps. Let’s remember what Vox Day says about social justice warriors (SJWs): SJWs always lie. SJWs always double down. SJWs always project. It’s the lying and psychological projection that produces feminism’s trademark hypocrisy. When morally corrupt people are engaged […]

Queer Feminism vs. ‘The Fragile Male Ego’

Allison Moon wants to talk to your daughter about dildo sex. “I’m standing with Planned Parenthood because teenage horniness is a force of nature. . . . There’s nothing that will convince teens ready to have sex not to have sex. . . . Planned Parenthood . . . provides comprehensive sexual health information.” — […]

Having a Merry Trump Christmas, Because @Jillboard Hates Jesus

Jillian Gutowitz, trying unsuccessfully to become popular on YouTube, July 2013.’ Jill Gutowitz (@Jillboard on Twitter) is a lesbian feminist Democrat from New Jersey who lives in Los Angeles, where she spent Election Night at a gay bar watching her entire world come crashing down in flames: We thought we’d be able to ring in […]

Why Do Feminists Hate Trump? Because Feminists Hate America

“We’re confused and depressed, disgusted and heartsick,” Jessica Valenti declares in her latest Guardian column, and by “we,” of course, she means Democrats, feminists, and everybody else who hates America. That’s all feminism really is — hate. Feminists don’t just hate men. Feminists hate God. Feminists hate babies. More than anything else in the world, […]

‘Male Feminist,’ a Predictable Breed

  You probably never heard of self-described “comedian” Mo Fathelbab, who has never done anything successfully, and you never would have heard of him had he not (a) started an “experimental” comedy club in New York, (b) created some kind of weird hoax feud with Trump supporters, and (c) date-raped a woman — allegedly, I […]

The Internet Is Making You Gay

  OK, maybe the headline slightly overstates the case — I’ve been on the Internet more than 20 years and am still staunchly heterosexual — but some young people are clearly being influenced in the wrong direction. Having previously reported on “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria,” yesterday I took a long look at the YouTube “coming […]

‘Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria’

The Internet is a powerful tool, and evil people have learned to exploit it for dangerous purposes. Last year, I became aware of what seems to be a rapidly spreading phenomenon: Teenagers who, after an intense period of online “research,” suddenly decide they’re transgender. There is a sort of online cult — Web sites, Tumblr […]

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