The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Pervert Party: Anthony Weiner Could Get 15 Years in Prison for Child Porn

  In July 2013, after former Democrat Rep. Anthony Weiner was caught “sexting” for the second time, I wrote a column for The American Spectator with a deliberately provocative title: “The Pervert Party”: Perhaps now someone at the New York Times or the Washington Post will ask Patrick Frey what happens to bloggers who call […]

‘Religious Overtones’

“‘Ye shall be as gods’ (Genesis 3:5) was the false promise of Satan’s original lie, and the sinful idea that human beings can defy God, living according to our own beliefs without respect to God’s law, has been a cause of violence and evil in the world ever since.” — Robert Stacy McCain, April 1, […]

Canadian Terrorist Update

  Canada is America’s most dangerous enemy, and not just because of the deranged slut Meghan Murphy. Canada is the Un-America, a country whose national character is warped by a spiteful inferiority complex toward the United States. Oh, “not all Canadians,” some will say, and it’s arguably true that there are a few good Canadians, […]

The Problem of ‘Racist Facts’

More than a decade ago, the first time some left-wing scumbag tagged me with the “white supremacist” label, I was both insulted and amused. The obvious question — which no liberal ever seems to ask — is this: “What does ‘white supremacist’ mean?” Historically, this term is associated with those who defended Jim Crow segregation […]

Feminism Is a Hate Movement

  Two books that I have often recommended for understanding feminism are Domestic Tranquility: A Brief Against Feminism by Carolyn Graglia, and Heterophobia: Sexual Harassment and the Future of Feminism by Daphne Patai. If you have not read these books, order them from Amazon immediately because the authors get to the real core of what […]

The Baylor Varsity Rape Team

Tre’Von Armstead (left) and Shamycheal Chatman (right). Shocking allegations: A Baylor University graduate who says she was raped by football players in 2013 sued the university Friday. Her lawsuit includes an allegation that 31 Baylor football players committed at least 52 acts of rape, including five gang rapes, between 2011 and 2014 — an estimate […]

F–k You, @CAwkward

Jennifer Peepas, a/k/a “Captain Awkward.” Captain Awkward (@CAwkward on Twitter) is a feminist blog run by Jennifer Peepas, “a woman whose plan for paying back $100K in grad school debt is ‘be an indie filmmaker.’” It would be uncouth for me to sling personal putdowns at Ms. Peepas, and also unnecessary, as I’m sure the […]

Probably Not a Trump Voter

Browsing around feminist Tumblr blogs, I encountered this headline: DC Metro Rape Highlights Why Women Are Always Aware of Rape The blog links a Huffington Post column by Soraya Chemaly last May: This rape has made the police and media sit up and pay attention to street harassment, which is common on DC streets and […]

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