The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Third Law of SJW: VidCon 2017 and Anita Sarkeesian’s Paranoid Projection

  Anita Sarkeesian (@femfreq on Twitter) is a feminist who made herself notorious by her attempts to destroy the videogame industry with dubious charges of sexism, and who has since made a career of victimhood, claiming to be a target of criminal harassment. Who is “harassing” whom? The reality is that Sarkeesian and her “social […]

Rape Culture: ‘Teach Her a Lesson’

Justin Fedrick (left) and Keon Gordon (right) are wanted by police in Florida. Feminists have often lectured us in recent years about the plague of “rape culture” on elite university campuses, where “male privilege” is blamed for sexual violence against women alleged perpetrated by wealthy fraternity boys. We therefore cannot expect feminists to notice this […]

Feminist ‘Success’ (Or, Never Bet Against the Gods of the Copybook Headings)

“It is necessary to unite and fight to protect ourselves from exploitation as the world’s baby-makers.” — Carol Hanisch, March 2014 “I don’t particularly like babies. They are loud and smelly and, above all other things, demanding . . . time-sucking monsters with their constant neediness. . . . I don’t want a baby. . […]

The Brutal Truth About Feminism

Inez Feltscher slams it home: Having been sold a pack of feminist lies that make both men and women unhappier, those of us in the millennial generation who are interested in happy marriages have had to rediscover a lot of politically incorrect truths from scratch. But there’s one truth that is particularly difficult for our […]

Deranged Feminist Attacks Church, Police, ‘Patriarchy’ in Florida

Barbara J. Phillips was arrested in Gainesville. A mentally ill homeless woman in Florida is accused of vandalizing a policeman’s patrol car and smearing feces on a church where she left the walls defaced with nonsensical writings against “patriarchy.” Barbara J. Phillips, 40, was charged with charged with stalking, criminal mischief and damaging church property, […]

Feminist Professor: ‘Trumpism’ Is About ‘Discourses of Masculinized Dominance’

University of Oregon Professor C.J. Pascoe You may think that elections are decided over issues of public policy, but that’s only because you’re a stupid Republican who doesn’t have a Ph.D. in sociology like Professor C.J. Pascoe: The rise of Trumpism exemplifies a contest over masculinity, over who qualifies as a “real man.” . . […]

UVA Rape Hoax: Rolling Stone to Pay $1.65 Million to Defamed Fraternity

  Chuck Ross reports at the Daily Caller: Rolling Stone has settled a lawsuit with the University of Virginia fraternity whose members were falsely accused of raping a female student in a Nov. 2014 article, The Daily Caller has learned. A source involved at the national level with the fraternity, Phi Kappa Psi, tells TheDC […]

Transgender Satanic Porn Performer @ZJemptv Offers SJW Dating Advice

  Zachary Antolak, a/k/a “Zinnia Jones,” a/k/a “Satana Kennedy,” a/k/a “Lauren McNamara” is a transgender activist and Internet pornographer who has a verified “blue check” Twitter account, @ZJemptv. Rather than getting any further into the weird biography of Antolak/“Jones” now, I’ll just call attention to his/“her” unusual tattoo of a Satanic pentagram inside a transgender […]

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